1. French President Nicholas Sarkozy called the meeting very " helpful " for Asia and Europe to tackle the global financial crisis and build up common cause.
2. Carrying forward the tradition of ancient poetry and common speech, the art is also of very high literary value.
3. It is not very common to find a Chinese who has spent more than two decades in Africa.
4. It is very common that the same paper or the same approach is copied here and there.
5. Zhang said an aircraft carrier is " strategically very common " for a big country with a long coastline.
6. very common什么意思
6. An extremely hot and humid summer as well as a very cold and dry winter is very common in Beijing.
7. very common是什么意思
7. " Police abuse is also very common in the United States, " the report notes.
8. From this report we learnt that the charge for these services is very common across the country.
9. Skin diseases like eczema and dermatitis are also very common in the season.
10. Although not as common as beef or lamb, most Chinese who have tried donkey meat would agree that it is very tasty.