very beautiful

very beautiful

very beautiful 单语例句

1. " Chinese culture is very beautiful and we all have a duty to carry it forward, " Yeh said.

2. Other notable green teas are the maofeng of the beautiful Huangshan Mountain in Anhui province and the rare and very exclusive biluochun from Jiangsu province.

3. An elderly woman who was very beautiful and rich in her youth suffered loneliness and anguish over her faded appearance.

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4. These transparent leather puppets become very lively and beautiful under the lantern light.

5. " We are very blessed she's healthy and beautiful and so good already, " Madden told People on Saturday.

6. " It's not a very interesting name and it's a beautiful planet, " Vogt said.

7. The lakes and mountains here are very beautiful like a picture and like an unpolluted precious place out of the Great Wall.

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8. The city government is trying very hard to plant beautiful pine trees that promise lungs full of healthy air.

9. The scenery along the border is very beautiful, but soldiers have to overcome many obstacles due to the remoteness of the area.

10. It is set at the very heart of the Liaoning economic coastline and benefits from beautiful scenery and extensive natural resources.
