
verticillate [vɜ:tɪ'sɪlɪt]  [ˌvɜ:tɪ'sɪlɪt] 

verticillate 基本解释



verticillate 网络解释


1. 轮生的:verticil 轮生体 | verticillate 轮生的 | vertiginous 旋转的

2. 轮生的;环生的:verticil 菌丝轮;一轮孢子 | verticillate 轮生的;环生的 | verticine 贝母碱

3. 轮状排列的;轮生的:轮生目 Verticillatae | 轮状排列的;轮生的 verticillate | 轮状花序 verticillate inflorescence

verticillate 双语例句

1. Leaves opposite or verticillate, shortly petiolate; leaf blade small, margin usually entire.

2. Leaves opposite or 3-6-verticillate basally on stem or verticillate and crowded apically on stem.


3. Ultimate leaf segments linear, 1–2 mm, branchlets often verticillate; bracteoles deciduous.


4. Branches opposite, rarely 3-4(-6)-verticillate; internodes 3-7(-10) mm, base of dominant shoots 1-2 mm in diam.


5. Leaves alternate, rarely verticillate, oblanceolate to linear-lanceolate
    叶互生,很少轮生,倒披针形的到线状披针形 77 S。

6. Stem branching, alternate, opposite or verticillate, base often clothed in fibrous remnant sheaths.

7. Soft branch yellow cicada is oleander division constant green half erect bush, xie Chang is elliptic, long 8-11 centimeter, wide 2-4.5 centimeter, opposite or 3-5 impeller are unripe, bud evil on Xie Duo is verticillate, xie Quanyuan, spend yellow, canister shape 5 crack, interior has amaranth streak, racemose move is born in the coping of new tip, florescence 6 one in October.

8. Leaves simple, alternate, opposite, or verticillate, not stipulate, or sometimes with stipular glands at base of petiole, petiolate or sessile, pinnately veined, margin serrate to nearly entire, teeth often glandular-mucronate.


9. Results The diagnostic results are following:vitric umbra in 7 cases thicken interlobular spetum in b cases, camber umbro under pleural membrane in 6 cases, abnormal imaging of bronchi arteries in 7'cases, thicken pleural membrane in 7 cases, verticillate or alveolate umbra in 7 cases. which were distributed two sides of and lower field of pulmonary and pleural membrane.
    结果 磨玻璃状阴影7例;小叶间隔增厚6例,胸膜下弧线影6例,支气管血管束影像异常改变7例,胸膜增厚7例,轮状或蜂窝状阴影5例,主要分布于两下肺野及胸膜下区。


10. Stem leaves alternate, opposite, or 3-5-verticillate; leaf blade flat, glabrous, spurless.

11. At least some of the lowermost cauline leaves verticillate, other leaves opposite and/or alternate.

12. Leaves opposite, rarely verticillate, exstipulate; leaf blade simple, margin entire, serrate, or rarely pinnately lobed.


13. Leaves opposite, occasionally alternate, rarely verticillate, fasciculate, or in a whorl; stipules usually present, often reduced to lines connecting petiole bases, sometimes reduced to petiolar ocrea or a connate leaf-sheath; leaf blade usually entire, pinnately veined or 3--7-veined from base.


14. Foliaceous opposite or3 verticillate;


15. Study on Material Base and Quality Specification of Fruit Malva Verticillate Match Arrangement

16. Its conidiophores were upstanding, with verticillate branches (3~6 sterigmata for each round).

17. Its conidiophores were upstanding, with verticillate branches (3 ~ 6 sterigmata for each round).

verticillate 英英释义


1. forming one or more whorls (especially a whorl of leaves around a stem)

    Synonym: verticillated whorled
