
veritable [ˈverɪtəbl]  [ˈvɛrɪtəbəl] 

veritable 基本解释

形容词名副其实的; 真正的

veritable 相关例句



1. It was a veritable feast.

veritable 网络解释


1. 真的:哲学的唯心主义无非是不承认有限物(finite)是真的(veritable)有的东西. 每一种哲学本质上都是唯心主义. 或至少以唯心主义为原则,问题只是这种原则真的贯彻了多少而己. 哲学如此,宗教也如此;因为宗教也同样不承认有限性是真的有,

2. 真实的:能量医学的治疗,可分为两大区块,一是可以测量的、真实的(veritable),一是无法测量的;想像的或大家公认的(putative). 就可以测量的部分来说,包括了机械波(mechanical vibration),如声音;电磁力(electromagnetic force),

3. 真正的:此外,魅力型领导理论也未涉及积极心理能力以及领导者与真正的(veritable)、可持续的(sustainable)绩效之间的关系. 诚信领导者更多的是靠自己的品质、楷模作用和奉献而影响下属的价值观和道德观,而不是靠鼓舞人心的吸引力、生动的陈述或其他形式的印象管理.

4. 真实的,真的:cask 桶,木通;装入木桶 | veritable 真实的,真的 | heretic 异教徒

veritable 词典解释

1. 真正的,十足的,不折不扣的(用于强调大小、数量或性质等)
    You can use veritable to emphasize the size, amount, or nature of something.

    e.g. ...a veritable feast of pre-match entertainment.
    e.g. ...a veritable army of security guards.

veritable 单语例句

1. A veritable haven for those seeking a wide variety and cheap prices, this venue has over 50 vendors selling pearls from all parts of China.

2. veritable

2. In its current incarnation it positively reeks of the past with the interior a veritable cornucopia of rare Chinese antiques.

3. You may not see Adam and Eve but you will find the Garden of Eden, a veritable paradise on Earth.

4. In Beijing, the epicure can choose from a veritable rainbow of Asian flavors.

5. China's southern Hainan province is a veritable paradise, with tourists flocking to its sunny shores and golden sands.

6. veritable是什么意思

6. To many, his paintings represent the veritable apogee of Chinese freehand brushwork.

7. veritable什么意思

7. If you're unaccustomed to Vietnamese food the manager Karen is on hand with a veritable wealth of knowledge.

8. This area is home to a veritable United Nations of food selection.

9. And a peek at the thousands of blogs would convince you it is a veritable golfing epidemic.

10. veritable

10. It's a veritable art zoo on canvas, but don't feed the animals.

veritable 英英释义



1. not counterfeit or copied

    e.g. an authentic signature
           a bona fide manuscript
           an unquestionable antique
           photographs taken in a veritable bull ring

    Synonym: authentic bona fide unquestionable
