
verbatim [vɜ:ˈbeɪtɪm]  [vɜ:rˈbeɪtɪm] 

verbatim 基本解释


形容词& 副词(完全)照字面的(地),逐字的(地)


verbatim 网络解释

1. 逐字的:人们在将讯息加以编码的时候,通常先将讯息形成两种类型的表徵方式:逐字的( verbatim )和要旨的(gist). 逐字的表徵包括情境中所有的细节,例如在场的人所说每一个字、脸上的表情、墙壁的颜色...等等.

2. 威宝公司:2005年,威宝公司(verbatim)和惠普公司联手推出了光雕技术,此技术的诞生,让我们无需花费太大力气就能轻松自制出属于自己个性的光盘来,我们只需一款拥有光雕技术的刻录机及配套软件,就能把图像或文字刻画在光雕盘片上.

3. 逐字的,照字面意思的:meet 适宜的,合适的 | verbatim 逐字的,照字面意思的 literal | unassuming 谦逊的,不摆架子的

4. 逐字的;逐字地:verbal system 通话系统 | verbatim 逐字的;逐字地 | verdan 通用数字分析器

verbatim 词典解释

1. 逐字逐句地;一字不差地
    If you repeat something verbatim, you use exactly the same words as were used originally.

    e.g. The President's speeches are regularly reproduced verbatim in the state-run newspapers.

verbatim 单语例句

1. Undergraduates have been caught copying other people's theses verbatim, in their entirety and college students plagiarized their coursework reports.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. It seems that he wrote the blog so fast as to be a verbatim transcript of an impromptu speech.

3. verbatim的意思

3. Even the language is a recreation and not just a verbatim translation.

4. verbatim的翻译

4. He was arrested and charged with attempted murder when the police got a verbatim translation of his threat.

5. The Pentagon said it couldn't get a''verbatim transcript of every word spoken''because of the bad quality of the tape's sound.

verbatim 英英释义


1. in precisely the same words used by a writer or speaker

    e.g. a direct quotation
           repeated their dialog verbatim

    Synonym: direct


1. using exactly the same words

    e.g. he repeated her remarks verbatim

    Synonym: word for word
