[法] 证言
verbal evidence的翻译
1. 言词证据:为了形成[言词证据] (Verbal Evidence) 以人的陈述为其表现形式的证据. 包括[实物证据] (Real Evidence) 以实物形态和其客观存在的自然状况为表[书证] (documentary Evidence) 以文字、符号、图纸等形式所记载的[物证] (Material Evidence) 以其外部特征、存在的场所和物质属性来[视听资料] (Audiovisual Reference Materia
2. 口头证据:verandah 走廊凉台 | verbal evidence 口头证据 | verbal system 通话系统
3. 口头证据 univalve 单电子管:verandah 走廊凉台 | verbal evidence 口头证据 univalve 单电子管 | universal active filter 通用有源滤波器
1. " Normally I prefer objective evidence to the verbal ones, " he said.
2. They signed no contracts and had no other evidence to support their case but a verbal agreement from the project manager.
3. While collecting incontrovertible evidence to prove sexual harassment is difficult, that to ascertain verbal harassment even more so.