







vents 基本解释
孔、口( vent的名词复数 );肛门;大衣等的)衩口;开衩;表达,发泄( vent的第三人称单数 );
vents 网络解释

1. 烟囱、壁炉、通风口与固体燃料燃烧器标准:Standard for Smoke and Heat Venting烟热发散... | Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid Fuel-Burning Appliances烟囱、壁炉、通风口与固体燃料燃烧器标准 | Standard on Water-Cooling Towers水冷却塔...

2. 排空(气)阀:ventresca 盐煮金枪鱼腹肉条 | vents 排空(气)阀 | Venturi flowmeter 文丘里流时计

3. 通风口:Exhausts:排气管 | Vents:通风口 | Roof: 车顶蓬

4. 管乐类:低音提琴contrebasse | 管乐类vents | 双簧管hautbois

vents 单语例句

1. Wear a dust mask to vacuum and cover bedroom vents with dense filtering material like cheesecloth.

2. The ship works by taking in water through 12 vents, separating the oil and pumping the cleaned seawater back into the Gulf.

3. Fresh air vents were also constructed in several places throughout the complex, allowing natural light to filter down from the streets above.


4. New vents have been put in to get air to those trapped and 12 pumps have been removing water from the pit.

5. The wing's shape is formed by the pressure of air entering vents in front.

6. When two licenses belong to different companies, the CBM producer vents the gas first.

7. Hydrothermal vents are underwater fissures in the Earth's surface that release heated geothermic water.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. China did not find any hydrothermal vents until 2007, when the Dayang Yihao found one in the Indian Ocean.

9. He said people suffered asthma attacks and fainted after the train's power went out, cutting off light and air vents.

10. The company said some of the remaining vents may remain open to keep the cap system stable.
