1. 变奏曲:1982年在伦敦、1985年在百老汇上演的[歌与舞](Song And Dance),其实是由两部早先已经发表过的作品[挑个星期天告诉我](Tell Me on a Sunday)和[变奏曲](Variations)合并而成的.
2. 工程变更:(3)工程变更(variations). 承包商施工时完成的工程量超过或少于工程量表(boq-billofquantities)中所列工程量的15以上时,或者在施工过程中,工程师(engineer)指令增加新的工作、改换建筑材料、暂停或加速施工等变更必然引起新的施工费用,
1. Du Jie employs variations of lines to capture the wave effect of water.
2. On display are more than 50 works by Chan, each displaying variations of the Chinese character " dragon ".
3. She repeats variations on that theme at most of her campaign stops, often adding that she possesses the kind of focus the current administration lacks.
4. If one or a few voices are so strong as to drown out the others, variations of one voice get mistaken for a chorus of opinions.
5. Both are consequences of a series of climatic events resulting from variations of the East Asia Climatic System.
6. The classes feature a number of variations of yoga movements on their own or in combination with free form dance.
7. There are plenty of regional variations to this form of communal dining.
8. Two computer screens in the center of the room displayed variations in temperature, moisture and ventilation.
9. Due to variations in the cost of living in different cities the allowance varies from city to city.
10. Slight variations on a letter or symbol can create a new, similar domain name.