
vaguely [ˈveɪgli]  [ˈveɪɡli] 

vaguely 基本解释


副词含糊地; 茫然地; 暧昧的

vaguely 相关例句



1. I vaguely remember their house.

2. I remember him very vaguely.

3. I felt vaguely uneasy.

vaguely 网络解释


1. 含糊地:vague 含糊的 | vaguely 含糊地 | vagueness 含糊

2. 真暧昧:She should buy a new dress,yeah,you're right.|她因该买件新衣服 是的 你说的对 | Vaguely.|真暧昧 | -What are you laughing at? -Nothing.|- 你在笑什么呢? - 没什么

3. 含糊地,暧昧地:distract sb. 迷惑,使分心 | vaguely 含糊地,暧昧地 | psychiatrist 精神病医生 psy'chiatrist

4. 含糊的;暧昧的:vacancies 空缺;空虚 | vaguely 含糊的;暧昧的 | valuables 贵重物品

vaguely 词典解释

1. 轻微地;有点儿
    Vaguely means to some degree but not to a very large degree.

    e.g. The voice on the line was vaguely familiar, but Crook couldn't place it at first...
    e.g. Arnold felt vaguely embarrassed...

2. see also: vague

vaguely 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The first is that the term itself is not too technical, yet is catchy and vaguely evocative.

2. They said it was an improvement over a statement Gibson issued Saturday that only vaguely referred to " despicable " remarks.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. What they would doubt is a vaguely defined rule that may be badly interpreted and abused to encroach upon their legitimate rights.

4. Dean wrote that Nixon's testimony covered topics that the president only vaguely discussed in his memoirs.


5. An ad for a Swiss watch shows a young Chinese woman at a wedding in some vaguely European pastoral setting.

6. Other pieces include large cast iron woks with vaguely painted faces inside, and birdcages with live birds pecking bread made using casts of artist's own face.

7. Sorry to burst your bubble, but they aren't even a vaguely accurate picture of what the hutong were once like.

8. Cheung's Emily Wang says the words but only vaguely seems to mean them.

9. It can be vaguely described as someone's reputation and social status as well as the image that one establishes in the eyes of others.

10. They then chatted as old friends and Chen vaguely remembers some five empty wine bottles left on the table.

vaguely 英英释义



1. in a vague way

    e.g. he looked vaguely familiar
           he explained it somewhat mistily

    Synonym: mistily
