名词异想天开; 奇想,奇特行为; 怪异多变
1. 奇想:vagal 迷走神经的 | vagary 奇想 | vagoaccessorius 迷走副神经
2. 奇特:vagarious 奇特的 | vagary 奇特 | vagile 漫游的
3. 奇异幻想:Swagger 吹牛 大摇大摆 | Vagary 奇异幻想 | Chasm 深沟 裂缝 厉害冲突
4. 变幻,幻想:desirability 合意性 | vagary 变幻,幻想 | fashion 潮流,风气
1. 出乎意料的变化;难以预测的转变
Vagaries are unexpected and unpredictable changes in a situation or in someone's behaviour which you have no control over.
e.g. I take an assortment of clothes on holiday, as a provision against the vagaries of the weather.
e.g. ...the perplexing vagaries of politics.
1. an unexpected and inexplicable change in something (in a situation or a person's behavior, etc.)
e.g. the vagaries of the weather
his wealth fluctuates with the vagaries of the stock market
he has dealt with human vagaries for many years