
vaccination [ˌvæksɪ'neɪʃn]  [ˌvæksəˈneʃən] 


vaccination 基本解释

名词<医>种痘,接种; 牛痘疤

vaccination 相关例句



1. I'm to have a vaccination tomorrow.

vaccination 网络解释

1. 预防接种:(二)预防接种 预防接种(vaccination)的概念有广义和狭义之分. 广义的概念是指利用人工制备的抗原或抗体通过适宜的途径对机体进行接种,使机体获得对某种传染病的特异免疫力,以提高个体或群体的免疫水平,预防和控制针对传染病的发生与流行.

2. 接种:b.血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂(ACEI)d.疫苗接种(Vaccination)e.避孕(Contraception)已有的观察性资料强烈支持激素替代疗法(HRT)减少了绝经后妇女冠心病事件的发生率.

3. 疫苗接种:b.血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂(ACEI)b.起搏器和植入性自动除颤转复起搏器(ICD)d.疫苗接种(Vaccination)e.避孕(Contraception)肼苯哒嗪与消心痛的联合用药:当ACEI治疗禁忌或不能耐受时,上述药物的联合应用是心衰治疗的另一选择,

vaccination 单语例句

1. Chow said the cancellation of the tender exercise will not affect the vaccination program.

2. vaccination的反义词

2. The ICVS is a legally registered and officially designated animal vaccination hospital, and can provide the required legal rabies vaccination and official vaccination certificate for export.

3. NSW Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant on Wednesday urged those most vulnerable to the disease to take up the free vaccination from their doctors.

4. Ministry sources said yesterday that it will send investigative teams throughout the country to check up on vaccination work in different regions.

5. Those who performed tai chi before vaccination had an immune response that was similar to what a vaccine would produce in a younger population.

6. Chow added the government would consider conducting the vaccination program through the public sector if private clinics charged too much.

7. We did clinical tests before administering the vaccination to prove that the vaccine was safe.

8. vaccination的反义词

8. The cost per dose is about HK $ 100, while the expense for administering the vaccination is HK $ 50.

9. vaccination的意思

9. Local authorities have been culling poultry within 3 kilometres of infected farms, and enforcing compulsory vaccination of birds within 5 kilometres of the infected areas.

10. The revised law sets up a compulsory animal vaccination system, requiring immunization of animals against diseases harmful to people's health and husbandry industry.

vaccination 英英释义


1. taking a vaccine as a precaution against contracting a disease

    Synonym: inoculation

2. the scar left following inoculation with a vaccine
