
utter [ˈʌtə(r)]  [ˈʌtɚ] 






utter 基本解释

及物动词发出声音; 说,讲; 出版(书籍)等; [法]流通使用


utter 相关例句



1. She had made an utter fool of herself.

2. That is utter nonsense.

3. I was at an utter loss what to do.


1. We didn't utter a word during the test.

2. When he heard the news, he uttered a sigh.

utter 网络解释


1. 说出:2.说出(utter)和外在的(outer)这两个词有类似的根源.你说出的话在你的世界成为外在 2.说出的! 3.根据估计,富裕的说话用字可以使结果的产生加速至百分之八十. 4.如果你想要富裕明确的为你展现,用明确的词汇声明你的富裕.

2. 说清楚:对...有信心have confidence in | 说清楚articulate; verbalize; put in words; utter | 接受...之美意embrace the offer of...

3. 说出;彻底的:ultraviolet紫外线 | utter说出;彻底的 | utmost极限的

utter 词典解释

1. 发出(声音);说;讲
    If someone utters sounds or words, they say them.

    e.g. He uttered a snorting laugh...
    e.g. They departed without uttering a word.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 完全的;彻底的;十足的
    You use utter to emphasize that something is great in extent, degree, or amount.

    e.g. This, of course, is utter nonsense.
    e.g. ...this utter lack of responsibility...

utter 单语例句

1. If negotiations are not given a chance and Gadhafi is forcibly ousted from power, the consequences will be serious and could throw the country into utter chaos.

2. But the strike did not cause the utter chaos that many had feared, and traffic in many parts of town was surprisingly light.

3. utter的解释

3. Those poor would not have to fall into utter poverty if a comprehensive rural medical insurance network were in place.

4. But to his utter consternation " his books " are " dying ".

5. The dissidents are now obviously in a state of utter desperation, and that perhaps explains why they have resorted to rumor mongering.

6. Such praise does not require much effort to dish out because it is as easy to utter as superficial criticism.

7. utter的近义词

7. There is a difference between feeling no passion on another dreary Monday and an utter lack of passion for every working day.

8. Others call Xiao an utter dunce for not being able to eat properly and his lack of toilet training.

9. Huang lost his parents in the earthquake and for some time stayed at home all day and didn't utter a word.

10. But when I suggested the idea to my colleagues, they laughed at me - deep hearty laughs that suggested utter silliness.

utter 英英释义



1. utter

1. articulate
    either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise

    e.g. She expressed her anger
           He uttered a curse

    Synonym: express verbalize verbalise give tongue to

2. utter

2. express in speech

    e.g. She talks a lot of nonsense
           This depressed patient does not verbalize

    Synonym: talk speak mouth verbalize verbalise

3. express audibly
    utter sounds (not necessarily words)

    e.g. She let out a big heavy sigh
           He uttered strange sounds that nobody could understand

    Synonym: emit let out let loose

4. put into circulation

    e.g. utter counterfeit currency


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1. complete

    e.g. came to a dead stop
           utter seriousness

    Synonym: dead(a)
