1. 公用事业:田晶强调,公用事业(utilities)是一个特例:在成熟市场,由于公用事业经营稳定、现金流充沛,公司负债率大都在75%以上;同时由于成长性一般,派息率很高,被投资人当做债券持有,所以对利率十分敏感,每当利率发生变化时,亦是首先减持或增持的对象.
2. 工具:在下面五个章节中,我们将分别介绍ALSA驱动的五部分: 驱动程序,库, 工具(utilities), 工具(tools)和OSS兼容库.
3. 实用程序:双击安装有打印机驱动程序的硬盘图标、应用程序(Applications)文件夹、实用程序(Utilities)文件夹,然后打印机设置实用程序(Printer Setup Utility)图标.
1. He said he believes that a greater penetration of private capital into infrastructure and utilities projects will become a trend in China.
2. Proactive management on this level will further position utilities to capture market opportunities related to electrification of transport.
3. This is possible unless the public utilities authorities truly come to terms with their primary obligation to serve the public good.
4. In addition to these reliable public utilities, the zone has a complete set of supporting facilities.
5. Poorly maintained roads disintegrated and utilities failed, compounding problems for relief workers.
6. utilities
6. The Coalition to Monitor Public Transport and Utilities had complained of MTR Corporation's substantial profits in 2010.
7. It is definitely good that the new regulations ban forced relocation by cutting off utilities and excludes the construction enterprises from relocations and demolitions.
8. The utilities were required by federal law to report that data to consumers.
9. Rising food prices have so far forced the government to defer reforms in public utilities.
10. And utilities and researchers are working to devise equipment and procedures to better enable transmission systems to survive a major event.