
utilise ['ju:tɪlaɪz]  ['ju:tlˌaɪz] 

utilise 基本解释



utilise 网络解释

1. 使用:使你了解此事Enlighten You on This Matter | 使用Utilise | 使用年限Service Life

2. 利用:investment 投资 | utilise 利用 | outmoded 过时的,不入时的

3. 实用:utility 效用,实用 | utilise 实用 | utilize 利用

4. 功效、利用:visualise 可见到的 visualize | utilise 功效、利用 utilize | socialise 社交的 socialize

utilise 词典解释

1. -> see utilize

utilise 单语例句

1. Their presence will help China's efforts to utilise its long coastline for more aquatic sports.

2. He hoped that businesses could utilise the advantage to boost trading opportunities and contribute to the prosperity of the two countries.

utilise 英英释义



1. utilise什么意思

1. put into service
    make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose

    e.g. use your head!
           we only use Spanish at home
           I can't use this tool
           Apply a magnetic field here
           This thinking was applied to many projects
           How do you utilize this tool?
           I apply this rule to get good results
           use the plastic bags to store the food
           He doesn't know how to use a computer

    Synonym: use utilize apply employ
