
urine [ˈjʊərɪn]  [ˈjʊrən] 

urine 基本解释


名词尿; 小便; 下泉

urine 相关例句


1. The nurse took away my urine sample.

2. The doctor asked the patient if he noticed any blood in his urine.

urine 网络解释

1. 尿:若在150~500毫克,为微量蛋白尿(urine),>500毫克为临床蛋白尿(urine). 微量蛋白尿(urine)提示糖尿(urine)病肾病早期,需长期控制血糖,对逆转或延缓肾病和视网膜病变的发生发展有一定意义. 尿(urine)白蛋白排泄率(uAE)正常参考值<15微克/分.

2. 尿液:第二篇 尿液检查 尿液(urine)由肾脏生成,通过输尿管、膀胱及尿道排出外. 肾脏通过泌尿活动排泄废物,调节体液以及酸碱平衡;此外肾脏还兼有内分泌功能. 总之,肾脏通过以上机制要维持机体内环境稳定,保证新生陈代谢正常进行中发挥着极其重要的作用.

3. 小便:想要早期发现肾脏疾病,最好也是最简单的方法就是做小便(Urine)常规检查. _HbA1C 血糖(Glucose)检验包括空腹(A.C)及饭后P.C)现代人因饮食及生活作息等因素的影响,引起体内新陈代谢的失调,

4. 尿道:scroticles 阴囊 | urine 尿道 | ovary 卵巢

urine 词典解释

1. 尿;小便
    Urine is the liquid that you get rid of from your body when you go to the toilet.

urine 单语例句

1. In the wild, they leave scent marks with urine and glands on their buttocks.

2. Railway power lines carry up to 380 kilowatts of electricity, which can be transmitted via fluids such as urine.

3. The urine case in Zhengzhou exposes some problems in the system of caring for the elderly.

4. The centrifuge is a spinning device that helps separate the water from urine.

5. Ovulation is easily detected using urine tests, and Haselton's team used such a test to check fertility in their study.

6. All it takes are urine and blood tests that cost less than $ 25, something proponents want to become as routine as cholesterol checks.

7. urine的解释

7. Doctors said Zhu's urine showed a high level of mercury and suggested chronic poisoning.

8. She said her child's urine was cloudy but she didn't know if anything was wrong.

9. Also try to ensure your urine remains pale yellow to colorless throughout the day.

10. urine

10. BEIJING - Two volunteers of the Beijing taekwondo world championships had to run miles to collect urine sample of South Korean competitor Jung Jin Hee.

urine 英英释义



1. liquid excretory product

    e.g. there was blood in his urine
           the child had to make water

    Synonym: piss pee piddle weewee water
