
upside [ˈʌpsaɪd]  [ˈʌpˌsaɪd] 


upside 基本解释


名词好处; 上边; (糟糕局面的)好的一面; 颠倒着

upside 相关例句



1. The upside is that we will have more time to do a thorough job.

upside 网络解释

1. 优势:显然是造成铱卫星系统失败的原因. 如果可以先创造原型,就可以预见可能的问题. 对设计师来说,风险不会被定义为劣势,而是被定义为优势(upside)与机会. 他们认为最大的风险不是失败,而是没有尝试;失败反而可以帮助你看清楚未来的路.

2. 上边:upset 烦恼 | upside 上边 | upward 向上地

3. 上部,上面:upscattering 向上散射 | upside 上部,上面 | upside down 颠倒,倒转

4. 上盘;上面:upside down 上端朝下 | upside 上盘;上面 | upsilon 希腊字母γ

upside 单语例句

1. Time and again you will find books that turn widely accepted business principles upside down.

2. It's not useful buying gold if the price has limited upside.

3. Currently there is no price or chart pattern development that allows for the calculation of the upside target above $ 460.

4. This second analysis feature is used for the calculation of new upside oil price targets.

5. upside

5. Some brokers said the index upside might be limited next week as investors were likely to cash out of the markets ahead of the holiday.

6. Use it upside down to be really creative and make an " m " CD ra of course that one holds a few less discs.

7. upside的意思

7. Patterns of behavior are the most important foundation principle of technical and charting analysis and this gives an upside target for NYMEX oil.

8. For copper this pushes upside targets on a technical charting basis toward $ 510.

9. Financial institutions Citigroup and Credit Suisse First Boston believe the upside adjustment of the mortgage rate will be about 25 basis point.

10. Blaine plans to hang upside without a net for 60 hours concluding his challenge with a plunge.

upside 英英释义



1. the highest or uppermost side of anything

    e.g. put your books on top of the desk
           only the top side of the box was painted

    Synonym: top top side upper side
