
upshot [ˈʌpʃɒt]  [ˈʌpʃɑ:t] 

upshot 基本解释


upshot 相关例句


1. The upshot of the disagreement was that they broke up the partnership.

upshot 网络解释


1. 结果:upset 颠覆 | upshot 结果 | upside down 颠倒

2. 结局;结果:Potent:强有力的 | Upshot:结局;结果 | Equivalent:等量的

3. 结果,结局:languish 衰弱,凋谢 | upshot 结果,结局 | differential 差别的,差别

4. 联想记忆:英释 result | 联想记忆 effect, consequence, result, outcome, upshot, sequel | smash-and-grab n. 砸橱窗抢劫

upshot 词典解释

1. (通常指意外的)结果,结局
    The upshot of a series of events or discussions is the final result of them, usually a surprising result.

    e.g. The upshot is that we have lots of good but not very happy employees...
    e.g. So the upshot is we're going for lunch on Friday.

upshot 单语例句

1. The upshot has been a 74 per cent gain in the Shanghai Composite index.

2. upshot什么意思

2. But the upshot is that village students must board during the week, often at their own expense.

3. The upshot is that despite tens of thousands of kilometers of track already laid, the original goal of a seamless network remains elusive.

4. For my family, the upshot would be more expenses and a lot more time swearing at the computer.

5. The upshot has been some sweet opportunities for French businesses looking to grab pieces of the Chinese market from US and other competitors.

6. The upshot is many companies who bet on the emergence of a big middle class are now taking a hit.

7. The upshot was that access to foreign websites and questionable domestic blogs were curtailed.

8. upshot的解释

8. The upshot of this is that many of life's challenges and decisions are taken care of by their parents.

9. Seizing on Solana's remarks, the United States said the logical upshot was to resort to punitive measures.

10. The upshot is a system similar to iTunes and with ease of access of critical importance.

upshot 英英释义


1. upshot的反义词

1. a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon

    e.g. the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise
           his decision had depressing consequences for business
           he acted very wise after the event

    Synonym: consequence effect outcome result event issue
