1. 将.Zip文件解压缩:在您的本地系统中将ZIP 文件解压缩(Unzip)在您的本地系统中将ZIP 文件解压缩(Unzip)在您的本地系统中将ZIP 文件解压缩(Unzip)
2. 解压缩:CE Total Commander 是一套相当方便的档案管理软体,内建压缩 (ZIP) 与解压缩 (UNZIP) 的功能,让你在管理档案磁碟时,更能得心应手.
3. 解压:* 将档案解压 (unzip) 后 ,请根 据「安装方法 (readme.exe) 」,以安装「香港特有中文字 」.
4. 解压工具,支持长文件名:TWKEY天汇拼音输入法 | UNZIP解压工具,支持长文件名 | XCOPY文件和目录复制工具
1. 拉开(拉链)
When you unzip something which is fastened by a zip or when it unzips, you open it by pulling open the zip.
e.g. James unzipped his bag...
e.g. This padded changing bag unzips to form a convenient and comfortable mat for nappy changing.
2. 解压缩
To unzip a computer file means to open a file that has been compressed.
e.g. Unzip the icons into a sub-directory.
1. When the star leaned down to unzip the balloon's trousers, out popped a British bulldog draped with the UK flag.
1. open the zipper of
e.g. unzip the bag