
unusually [ʌnˈju:ʒuəli]  [ʌnˈjuʒʊəlɪ] 

unusually 基本解释

副词非常; 出奇; 不寻常地,异乎寻常地; 显著地

unusually 相关例句


1. My dog is unusually fond of chocolate.

unusually 网络解释

1. 显著地:unusual 不平常的 | unusually 显著地 | unvalued 无价值的

2. 不同寻常地:usual 通常的,平常的 | unusually 不同寻常地 | usually 通常地

3. 异乎寻常地:an unusual face 一个很独特的面孔 | unusually 异乎寻常地 | He unusually likes chocolate.他异常爱吃巧克力.

4. 不平常地,非常:unusual 不寻常的,与众不同的 | unusually 不平常地,非常 | unwilling 不情愿的,不愿意的

unusually 词典解释

1. 出奇地;不寻常地
    You use unusually to emphasize that someone or something has more of a particular quality than is usual.

    e.g. He was an unusually complex man.
    e.g. ...this year's unusually harsh winter.

2. 异常地;不常见地
    You can use unusually to suggest that something is not what normally happens.

    e.g. Unusually among British prime ministers, he was not a man of natural authority.

unusually 单语例句

1. Both Beijing and Shanghai real estate markets are entering a downward trend, experiencing an unusually poor business season.

2. Shilton was by no means alone in his criticism of a seamless, unusually smooth ball hailed by manufacturers adidas as " perfectly round ".

3. unusually是什么意思

3. Provocative moves such as Abe's comments downplaying Japan's responsibility for consigning sex slaves to military brothels have drawn an unusually calm response.

4. He said sensors did not show an unusually high concentration of natural gas, and the city's major utility company reported it found no gas leaks.

5. unusually的翻译

5. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke described the economic prospect as " unusually uncertain, " and promised to take additional steps to bolster recovery if economy worsens.

6. The point guard closed strong offensively in what was an unusually sloppy game with seven turnovers and five assists.

7. The unusually warm February was attributed to a weak northeast monsoon which saw little cold air from the north.

8. unusually在线翻译

8. January's trade figures also were boosted by the comparison with unusually weak global demand a year earlier and low oil and commodities prices.

9. Zheng's death sentence was unusually heavy even for China, and likely indicates the leadership's determination to confront the country's dire product safety record.

10. Though Oscar races are often frosty and passively competitive, the group has been unusually congenial and supportive.

unusually 英英释义


1. to a remarkable degree or extent

    e.g. she was unusually tall

    Synonym: remarkably outstandingly unco
