
untried [ˌʌnˈtraɪd]  [ʌnˈtraɪd] 

untried 基本解释


untried 同义词

形容词untouched untested unused new

untried 反义词



untried 相关例句


1. It is still an untried policy.

untried 网络解释


1. 没有经验的:untreated 未处理的 | untried 没有经验的 | untrimmed 未经整理的

2. 未试过的:untread 折回 | untried 未试过的 | untrodden 杳无人迹的

3. 未试过的/未经实验的/无经验的:untread /折回/退回/ | untried /未试过的/未经实验的/无经验的/ | untrodden /杳无人迹的/未受践踏的/

4. (形容词)没有经验的,没有实践过的:Grim(形容词)严酷的,糟糕的 | Untried(形容词)没有经验的,没有实践过的 | Faulty product 有缺陷的产品

untried 词典解释

1. untried的翻译

1. 未尝试过的;未经试验的
    If someone or something is untried, they have not yet experienced certain situations or have not yet been tried out, so you do not know what they will be like.

    e.g. He was young and untried, with no reputation of his own.
    e.g. ...a long legal battle through untried areas of law.

untried 单语例句

1. untried的近义词

1. Hill said China needed to make sure it left no option untried in trying to coax the North back to the table.

2. The group is notable for thinking outside the box and adopting strategies previously untried in the industry.

3. There are also fears that any woman who chose to be a surrogate might be put at risk as a result of the untried procedure.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. So, companies in China are experimenting with business models untried in other markets.

5. The Liberal Party is taking another venture in untried waters to gauge their popularity in the Legislative Council's direct elections.

6. The article points out that Kerry is an uncertain weight, untried and not as predictable as what is currently in place.

7. Gay has not had a race for over a month and Bolt is untried over a championship series of 100m races.

8. The products will be utilizing a previously untried distribution method for the brand - a concept store.

untried 英英释义



1. not tried or tested by experience

    e.g. unseasoned artillery volunteers
           still untested in battle
           an illustrator untried in mural painting
           a young hand at plowing

    Synonym: unseasoned untested young

2. not yet proved or subjected to testing

    e.g. an untested drug
           untested theory
           an untried procedure

    Synonym: untested
