
untouched [ʌnˈtʌtʃt]  [ʌnˈtʌtʃt] 

untouched 基本解释

形容词未触动过的; 原样的; 未被论及的; 无动于衷的

untouched 相关例句


1. The island has been untouched by tourism.

2. The subject remains untouched upon.

3. She sent back her breakfast tray untouched.

untouched 网络解释


1. 未提及的未受损伤的:untimed prompt shipment 不限期即期装船 | untouched 未提及的未受损伤的 | untreated oil line 原油管路

2. 未提及的:unto 至;到 | untouched 未提及的 | untrue 不确实的

3. 未触及的:untouchable 贱民 | untouched 未触及的 | untoward 麻烦的

4. 未触动的,不受感动的:unregistered未注册的 | untouched未触动的,不受感动的 | upgrade(计算机)更新,升级

untouched 词典解释

1. untouched的近义词

1. 不受影响的
    Something that is untouched by something else is not affected by it.

    e.g. Asian airlines remain untouched by the deregulation that has swept America...
    e.g. Vested interests were left untouched.

2. 完好无缺的;未受损害的
    If something is untouched, it is not damaged in any way, although it has been in a situation where it could easily have been damaged.

    e.g. Michael pointed out to me that amongst the rubble, there was one building that remained untouched...
    e.g. The desk had been rifled for money, some banknotes taken but cheque-book and credit cards left untouched.

3. 世外桃源般的;不染尘嚣的;天然质朴的
    An untouched area or place is thought to be beautiful because it is still in its original state and has not been changed or damaged in any way.

    e.g. Ducie is one of the world's last untouched islands, nearly 5,000km from Australia.
    e.g. ...a relatively untouched cottage within only an hour or so's drive of London.

4. untouched是什么意思

4. 未吃过(或喝过)的;未动过的
    If food or drink is untouched, none of it has been eaten or drunk.

    e.g. The coffee was untouched, the toast had cooled...
    e.g. He murmured something, then, food left untouched, went into the sitting-room.

untouched 单语例句

1. " By definition that is the real China - because it's untouched by progress, " he says.

2. It is also because of this that we have no reason to feel untouched by the figures mentioned above.

3. untouched在线翻译

3. We cannot afford to be left untouched by the festive spirit of the West, which doesn't mean we follow the West blindly.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. Their existing capitalist system and living styles, laws and regulations remain untouched.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. Although Chinese merchants bought most houses after the colonial era, many were left untouched when the owners went abroad in 1949.

6. untouched的翻译

6. The overwhelming support is contrary to a traditionally held belief among many Chinese that the body should remain untouched after death.

7. untouched的近义词

7. Only a small corner of this ancient water town in Zhejiang province remains untouched by this festive fervor - the local Protestant church.

8. " I saw things I'd never thought I'd see, " Clinton said later before a meeting with residents of the largely untouched Algiers neighborhood.

9. The foliage was lush and green, seemingly untouched by the noxious chemicals of the war.

10. untouched的解释

10. Her manuscript lay untouched for 50 years before being discovered by archivists from France's Holocaust Museum.
