
unthought ['ʌn'θɔ:t]  [ʌn'θɔ:t] 




unthought 基本解释

形容词未加思考的,未深思的; unthink的过去式及过去分词

动词改变想法,不想( unthink的过去式和过去分词 )

unthought 网络解释

1. 未加思考的:unthinking 无思想的 | unthought 未加思考的 | unthought-of 没有想到的

unthought 双语例句

1. What we know of foot-rests, swivel-back chairs, dining-rooms for the girls, clean apron s and curling irons supplied free, and a decent cloak room, were unthought of.


2. What we know of foot-rests, swivel-back chairs, dining-rooms for the girls, clean aprons and curling irons supplied free, and a decent cloak room, were unthought of.

3. The weather turned fine, which is what we unthought of.


4. However unsettling you find it, you can never be unthought or unknown.


5. However, manners have had to adapt to a number of situations hitherto unthought of.

6. Originally, we were unthought of coming here.


7. The best way to leave things unsaid is to leave them unthought, or if I've thought them, not to dwell on them.


8. The essential relation between language and death flashes up before us, but remains still unthought.

9. Chapter 11 gives a detailed account of the various forms of mass spectrometry and includes a discussion of its use in protein structure determination, an application unthought of only a few years ago.


10. S. and Columbia University to pursue my postgraduate studies, and then started my own media company, which was unthought of during the years that I started my career.

11. Well after a few years, I decided to go to the U. S. and Columbia University to pursue my postgraduate studies, and then started my own media company, which was unthought of during the years that I started my career.

12. Voyages through space were unthought-of till recent times.


13. In recent years, systems approaches have been adopted in sports research and produced hitherto unthought-of results.


14. Value is the most invincible and impalpable of ghosts, and comes and goes unthought of while the visible and dense matter remains as it was.


15. An unhoped-for piece of luck; an unthought advantage; an unthought-of place to find the key.

16. There are some unthought-of difficilts in the process of their experiment.


17. I found the key from an unthought-of place.


18. To find a new unthought-of nonchalance with the best of Nature!

19. The weather was turned fair, it is unthought-of us

20. Next, do not be regretful; since you made the choices, there is no need to regret them, calmly analyze the situation and believe that even when things are hopeless, there are always unthought-of possibilities.

unthought 英英释义


1. so unexpected as to have not been imagined

    e.g. an unhoped-for piece of luck
           an unthought advantage
           an unthought-of place to find the key

    Synonym: unhoped unhoped-for unthought-of
