
unsightly [ʌnˈsaɪtli]  [ʌnˈsaɪtli] 



unsightly 基本解释


形容词不美观的,难看的; 不好看的

unsightly 同义词


形容词plain unattractive ugly homely

unsightly 反义词


unsightly 相关例句


1. Her room was an unsightly mess.

unsightly 网络解释

1. 不悦目的:unsighted 未被看到的 | unsightly 不悦目的 | unsigned 无符号的

2. 难看的:hairpin 发夹 | methodology 方法学 | unsightly 难看的

3. 丑的:unsighted /未见到的/盲目射击的/ | unsightly /丑的/ | unsintered /未烧结的/

4. 難看:ugliest 醜 | unsightly 難看 | unusual不尋常

unsightly 词典解释

1. 难看的;不悦目的;不雅观的
    If you describe something as unsightly, you mean that it is unattractive to look at.

    e.g. My mother has had unsightly varicose veins for years...
    e.g. The Polish market in Berlin was considered unsightly and shut down.

unsightly 单语例句

1. The actor reportedly splashes out on expensive emu oil treatments to remove scars and unsightly blemishes from his skin.

2. Much of it is visually arresting and beautifies otherwise boring or unsightly urban spaces.

3. It enhances skin conditions and unsightly bumps, usually on the sides of arms.

4. There was first the unsightly image of national governments engaged in intense jockeying over the top positions.

5. The Shanghai municipal government has also launched a fight against unsightly billboards in a bid to cut " visual pollution " in the city.

6. If not cooled correctly, yolks can develop an unsightly and slightly bitter gray color.

7. unsightly的翻译

7. We easily condemn the Western way of thinking but our own history is filled with unsightly blemishes.

8. The ban will likely mean more unsightly cigarette butts on sidewalks and in gutters.

9. unsightly

9. Most Inner Mongolia residents agree long underwear are necessary, no matter how unsightly it might be.

10. unsightly的意思

10. In others, they are left with unsightly lumps that have to be surgically removed.

unsightly 英英释义


1. unsightly在线翻译

1. unpleasant to look at

    e.g. unsightly billboards
