
unseasoned ['ʌn'si:znd]  [ʌn'si:zənd] 

unseasoned 基本解释


unseasoned 网络解释

1. 没有调味的:unseasonable 不合时宜的 | unseasoned 没有调味的 | unseat 坠马

2. 未加调味的:unseasoned 未干的 | unseasoned 未加调味的 | unseat 去职

3. 未干的:unsearchable 不能探究的 | unseasoned 未干的 | unseasoned 未加调味的

4. 未晾干的:unseasonableflowering 反常开花 | unseasoned 未晾干的 | unseasonedtimber 未干燥木材

unseasoned 单语例句

1. My husband wants it made of millet, unseasoned and served with his favorite Beijing pickles.

2. The riders are still too unseasoned, the horses still not up to par.

unseasoned 英英释义


1. unseasoned的意思

1. not tried or tested by experience

    e.g. unseasoned artillery volunteers
           still untested in battle
           an illustrator untried in mural painting
           a young hand at plowing

    Synonym: untested untried young

2. not aged or processed

    e.g. unseasoned timber

3. without salt or seasoning

    Synonym: unsalted
