1. 令人讨厌的:unsafe act 不安全行为 | unsavory 令人讨厌的 | unscientific 非科学的
2. 难吃的:unsaturated 不饱和的 | unsavory 难吃的 | unsavoury 难吃的
3. 味道不好的,不可口的:Allude 暗指,暗示 | Unsavory 味道不好的,不可口的 | Restrain 压制,抑制,过度疲劳
4. 不好吃的:unsaturation /不饱和的性质或状态/未饱和/ | unsavory /不好吃的/ | unsay /取消/撤回/
1. unsavory是什么意思
1. Tour de France chief Christian Prudhomme has applauded efforts to weed out the cheats, even if it means unsavory doping revelations leave a black mark on the race.
2. Kerry has been forced on several occasions to answer questions or return donations after media reports that he accepted money from donors with unsavory backgrounds.
3. " Journalists have always had relationships with people that others might find unsavory, " she said.
4. The printing shop might have scared away young zealots, but it attracted unsavory elements of another kind.
5. Many of the netizens believed Yuan was detained because his novel exposed an unsavory aspect of Dongguan.
6. Our tolerance for these unsavory vendors has created bad publicity for Hong Kong.
7. It was an ugly encounter, with both coaches playing their part in the unsavory spectacle.
8. We want to wall out anything that does not belong, especially society's unsavory elements.
9. unsavory的翻译
9. CAAC and CCAA have joined forces to clean the market of these unsavory elements.
10. The argument that top salaries must be paid to attract talent into the Hong Kong civil service sounds unsavory.
1. morally offensive
e.g. an unsavory reputation
an unsavory scandal
2. not pleasing in odor or taste
Synonym: distasteful unsavoury