
unruly [ʌnˈru:li]  [ʌnˈruli] 



unruly 基本解释

形容词任性的; 不守规矩的; 难驾驭的; 难控制的

unruly 同义词


形容词rampant wild riotous disorderly lawless

unruly 反义词



unruly 相关例句



1. The cowboy broke the unruly horse.

unruly 网络解释

1. 不守规矩的,不受约束的:stereotype成见,固定形象 | unruly 不守规矩的,不受约束的 | unveil使公诸于众

2. 任性的:unruliness 任性 | unruly 任性的 | unsaddle 解下马鞍

3. 不守纪律的:naughty 淘气的 | unruly 不守纪律的 | dependent 独立性差的

4. 不守法的:218违法的illicit | 219不守法的unruly | 211不履行责任的default if they can't raise the money to pay the debe, they will have to default.

unruly 词典解释

1. (尤指孩子)没教养的,难控制的,难管束的
    If you describe people, especially children, as unruly, you mean that they behave badly and are difficult to control.

    e.g. It's not good enough just to blame the unruly children.
    e.g. ...unruly behaviour.

2. (头发)凌乱的,不整洁的
    Unruly hair is difficult to keep tidy.

    e.g. The man had a huge head of remarkably black, unruly hair.

unruly 单语例句

1. The active and somewhat unruly primate is one of the most loved animals of all the 12 in the Chinese birth sign system.

2. Throw in some unruly puppet lions with the shatter and clamour of fireworks and cymbals and wandering spirits are incapacitated.

3. The administration urged the LegCo to review and tighten the Rules of Procedure to avoid the repetition of unruly behavior by some lawmakers.

4. unruly的翻译

4. They're too unruly to be cops and too decent to be crooks, leaving them no natural allies on either side but attracting enemies from both.

5. It's not enough to attribute violent, unruly and criminal behavior to bad human nature.

6. The girl ended up becoming more and more unruly and began to curse and beat her parents and even set fire to their house.

7. The government hopes that more foreign institutional investors would stabilize the markets and bring expertise to the country's unruly securities and asset management sectors.

8. unruly的反义词

8. The best viral video of the week comes from a high school in Florida, where a teenager lived the dreams of many unruly sports fans.

9. With unruly Indonesian fans having to be forcibly restrained from stampeding the court in protest, the match was delayed for two hours until the linesman was replaced.

10. In large part, it was the unruly scene at the gallows that catapulted Saddam to hero's status.

unruly 英英释义



1. of persons

    e.g. the little boy's parents think he is spirited, but his teacher finds him unruly

    Synonym: indocile uncontrollable ungovernable

2. noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline

    e.g. a boisterous crowd
           a social gathering that became rambunctious and out of hand
           a robustious group of teenagers
           beneath the rumbustious surface of his paintings is sympathy for the vulnerability of ordinary human beings
           an unruly class

    Synonym: boisterous rambunctious robustious rumbustious

3. unruly的近义词

3. unwilling to submit to authority

    e.g. unruly teenagers

    Synonym: disobedient
