
unpopular [ʌnˈpɒpjələ(r)]  [ʌnˈpɑ:pjələ(r)] 

unpopular 基本解释


形容词不得人心的; 不受欢迎的,不流行的; 无人望的

unpopular 同义词

形容词unwelcome unwanted unloved unappreciated

unpopular 反义词



unpopular 相关例句



1. The war was both costly and unpopular.

unpopular 网络解释


1. 不受欢迎的:unpolished manners 粗鲁的态度 | unpopular 不受欢迎的 | unpopular child 不受欢迎儿童

2. 不通俗的,不推广的:popularization 普及,推广,通俗化 | unpopular 不通俗的,不推广的 | populace 平民,大众

3. 不受欢迎:taste有......味道 | unpopular不受欢迎 | silly傻的

unpopular 词典解释

1. 没有人缘的;不受欢迎的;不得人心的
    If something or someone is unpopular, most people do not like them.

    e.g. It was a painful and unpopular decision...
    e.g. In high school, I was very unpopular, and I did encounter a little prejudice...

...his unpopularity among his colleagues.
...the unpopularity of the new tax.
unpopular 单语例句

1. unpopular

1. The reason is that the " Tibetan independence " activities led by the Dalai group have become more and more unpopular and harder to be carried out.

2. Bush, unpopular here because of foreign policies going back to Central America's civil wars.

3. Nuclear power has been very unpopular in Germany ever since radioactivity from the 1986 Chernobyl disaster drifted across the country.

4. KTV clubs could pay more copyright fees for songs which were frequently chosen by customers and less for unpopular songs.

5. Neither Tencent nor 360 is expected to win the battle because both have become unpopular with their users and both are losing their clientele.

6. The former Iraqi army colonel was unpopular from the start with the local population because of his background in Saddam Hussein's military.

7. The former Iraqi army colonel was unpopular from the start with the local population because of his military background.

8. unpopular的翻译

8. Her continual complaints have made her somewhat unpopular in the community and now they want her to move out.

9. His once unpopular stand against the sale of the municipal electric system was praised as courageous.

10. But cutting these two programs will hurt millions of Americans and will be an unpopular move regardless of who carries it out.

unpopular 英英释义



1. 911查询·英语单词

1. regarded with disfavor or lacking general approval

    e.g. unpopular ideas
           an unpopular war
