
unleash [ʌnˈli:ʃ]  [ʌnˈliʃ] 







unleash 基本解释


及物动词解开…的皮带; 放纵; 解除…的束缚; 发泄

unleash 网络解释

1. 解放:unleased 未租出的 | unleash 解放 | unleavened 未受激发的

2. 释放:revert 回复, 逆转 | unleash 释放 | batch 批, 次, 组

3. 释放能量,使其成为有效动因:Understand 理解知识管理对企业的重要性 | Unleash 释放能量,使其成为有效动因 | Values 价值观是企业文化的基础

4. 解除...的束缚:解不开的inextricable | 解除...的束缚unleash | 解除...的武装unharness

unleash 词典解释

1. 释放;放纵…而出
    If you say that someone or something unleashes a powerful force, feeling, activity, or group, you mean that they suddenly start it or send it somewhere.

    e.g. Then he unleashed his own, unstoppable, attack...
    e.g. The officers were still reluctant to unleash their troops in pursuit of a defeated enemy.

unleash 单语例句

1. A mob in Urumqi lost all reason and conscience to unleash the worst form of violence on innocent people.

2. unleash的解释

2. We have failed to see our enormous rural consumer market unleash its buying potential exactly because such concerns have never been seriously addressed.

3. Kwon also thanked former Cuban leader Fidel Castro for his public warning on the incident that it could unleash a major conflict in the area.

4. This strategy stymies companies from responding nimbly to local differences in customer demand, which could unleash the entrepreneurship of local management.

5. Wu said the disorderly unleash of capacity amid price rallies will make the oversupply problem even worse.

6. And Czech President Vaclav Klaus warned that Kosovo's independence could unleash a domino affect in Europe.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. The Lille midfielder had time to unleash a drive into the top corner of Gianluigi Buffon's net.

8. unleash的翻译

8. Scientists fear a possible mutation of the virus that could unleash a global pandemic, and ways of eradicating the virus for good will top the agenda.

9. Hu said China will boost domestic demand over the next five years and put an effective mechanism in place to unleash consumption potential.

10. The latest earthquake did not produce a tsunami, but villagers close to its epicenter said it did unleash damaging waves.

unleash 英英释义


1. release or vent

    e.g. unleash one's anger

2. unleash是什么意思

2. turn loose or free from restraint

    e.g. let loose mines
           Loose terrible plagues upon humanity

    Synonym: let loose loose

3. release from a leash

    e.g. unleash the dogs in the park
