
unlace [ʌnˈleɪs]  [ʌn'leɪs] 







unlace 基本解释


unlace 网络解释


1. 解开带子:unlaboured 轻易完成的 | unlace 解开带子 | unlade 卸下

unlace 双语例句


1. Othello. Worthy Montano, you were wont be civil; The gravity and stillness of your youth The world hath noted, and your name is great In mouths of wisest censure: what's the matter, That you unlace your reputation thus And spend your rich opinion for the name Of a night-brawler?
    奥瑟罗 尊贵的蒙太诺,您一向是个温文知礼的人,您的少年端庄为举世所钦佩,在贤人君子之间,您有很好的名声;为什麼您会这样自贬身价,牺牲您的宝贵的名誉,让人家说您是个在深更半夜里酗酒闹事的家伙?


2. He raises his shoe to unlace it, and catches the sight of the slippers.

3. Harry couldn't help but smile as he leaned down to unlace his boots and take them off.
    Harry 不由自主的微笑了起来,他朝前弯下腰解开了靴子,然后脱掉了。


4. He raises his shoe to unlace it, and catches the sight of the slipper s.

5. Enter Monsieur, lay down your load Unlace your boots, rest from the road This weighs a ton, travel's a curse But here we strive to lighten your purse Here the goose is cooked Here the fat is fried And nothing's overlooked Till I'm satisfied Food beyond compare.
    输入先生,放下你的负载 Unlace你的靴子,其余的道路这重一吨,旅行的诅咒但是,在此我们努力减轻您的钱包这里的鹅是熟食这里的脂肪是油炸和任何的忽视直到我很满意食品无法比拟。

6. With his eyes still uplifted he began forming a plan; he would ring the bell, go upstairs despite the porter's remonstrances, break the doors in with a push of his shoulder and fall upon them in the very bed without giving them time to unlace their arms.


7. Also, the well-traveled Celtics had training camp and preseason games in Rome and London last year. After the Celtics won the title, a tired Garnett knew it was important to unlace his sneakers for a while. The 2008 Defensive Player of the Year celebrated with teammates in Las Vegas in late June. Garnett said he also used July as a vacation.

8. From the small space behind the seat, he took a knee-high pair of rubber boots, sitting on the running board to unlace his leather ones and pull on the others.

9. Buck Mulligan sat down to unlace his boots.

unlace 英英释义



1. unlace的解释

1. undo the ties of

    e.g. They untied the prisoner

    Synonym: untie unbrace
