
unjust [ˌʌnˈdʒʌst]  [ʌnˈdʒʌst] 

unjust 基本解释


形容词不公平的; 非正义的; 不讲信用的

unjust 同义词


形容词inequitable unfair

unjust 反义词


unjust 相关例句


1. An unjust cause finds little support.

2. It was unjust of them not to hear my side.

3. It will be unjust to let me suffer for the folly of other people.

unjust 网络解释


1. 不公正:合同的任何一方都可能在任何时间终止(terminate)合同. 这种合同也叫'自由雇佣(at-will employment)'. 但如果雇佣认为终止合同不公正(unjust),他可以诉诸法律. 内部纪律处分(discipline)也可能达到终止劳动合同的程度.

2. 不公平的:unique 独特的 | unjust 不公平的 | unsrupulous 肆无忌惮的

3. 非正义的:un- == 非 | unjust 非正义的 | unofficial 非官方的

unjust 词典解释

1. unjust的意思

1. 非正义的;不公正的;不公平的
    If you describe an action, system, or law as unjust, you think that it treats a person or group badly in a way that they do not deserve.

    e.g. The attack on Charles was deeply unjust...
    e.g. He spent 25 years campaigning against racist and unjust immigration laws.

She was unjustly accused of stealing money and then given the sack.
unjust 单语例句

1. His domestic popularity has been badly damaged by the Iraq war, which many of his electors view as unnecessary and unjust.

2. By greater amount of unjust enrichment we mean that the infringer intends to profit from the dissemination of infringed works and yields significant profits.

3. The new safeguards included requiring police to videotape interrogations and giving the state Supreme Court more power to overturn unjust decisions.

4. It is how some of our youths are fighting back against the society they deem to be unjust.

5. " The denial reflects the unjust and parochial investing environment facing private Chinese enterprises abroad, " Huang said at his Beijing company headquarters in an exclusive interview.

6. In a survey conducted a few years ago by the company Data 100, 55 percent of migrant workers said they suffered discrimination and unjust treatment in cities.

7. I have spoken out repeatedly against this tragic and unjust discrimination, and I am encouraged by the many positive developments of recent years.

8. But if the election is fraudulent and unjust, then the international community should consider imposing targeted sanctions against the DRC.

9. The unfair and unjust world economic order is seriously hampering the harmonious development of the world economy.

10. unjust的近义词

10. The number is very low, but it is unjust all the same.

unjust 英英释义


1. not fair
    marked by injustice or partiality or deception

    e.g. used unfair methods
           it was an unfair trial
           took an unfair advantage

    Synonym: unfair

2. not equitable or fair

    e.g. the inequitable division of wealth
           inequitable taxation

    Synonym: inequitable

3. violating principles of justice

    e.g. unjust punishment
           an unjust judge
           an unjust accusation
