
unicorn [ˈju:nɪkɔ:n]  [ˈju:nɪkɔ:rn] 


unicorn 基本解释

名词(传说中身体似马的)独角兽; <动>一角鲸; 独角兽标记

unicorn 网络解释

1. (传说中的)独角兽:我很想知多一些一角鲸(Narwhal)又称独角鲸,在一般人的印象中总是与传说中的独角兽(Unicorn)联想在一起,理由很明显:雄性一角鲸长有长而呈螺旋状的长牙,让它们比世界上任何生物都要接近传说中独角兽的形象.

2. 英语:英语--Unicorn | 德语--Einkorn | 法语--Licorne

unicorn 词典解释

1. (故事和传说中的)独角兽
    In stories and legends, a unicorn is an imaginary animal that looks like a white horse and has a horn growing from its forehead.

unicorn 单语例句

1. unicorn

1. Wei's first solo exhibition in China is dedicated to the Chinese unicorn, one of the four magical and sacred animals at the origin of Chinese myth.

2. Yitian Pavilion atop the Unicorn Hill provides a panoramic view of the park.

3. There are also fantastic big beasts including the unicorn, the elephant and the dragon.

4. The unicorn is the epitome of strength and miraculous power in Chinese traditional culture, and is a legendary auspicious omen of prosperity and success.

5. unicorn

5. The ingredients are prepared in a steamer basket with the elements of the dish being artfully overlapped to resemble the scales of a unicorn.

unicorn 英英释义


1. an imaginary creature represented as a white horse with a long horn growing from its forehead
