
unflattering [ʌnˈflætərɪŋ]  [ʌnˈflætərɪŋ] 

unflattering 基本解释



unflattering 网络解释


1. 不讨好人的,不奉承人的:iron sulphide 黄铁矿 | unflattering 不讨好人的,不奉承人的 | monopoly earnings 垄断利润

2. 准确的:unfeminine 不像女性的 | unflattering 准确的 | unfledged 未成熟的

3. 不奉承的,坦率的,直白的:Plateaus 高原,台地,停滞时期 | Unflattering 不奉承的,坦率的,直白的 | Laudatory 赞美的,赞赏的

4. 耿直的,坦率的:thriving 兴旺的,昌盛的 | unflattering 耿直的,坦率的, | upstanding 诚实的

unflattering 词典解释

1. 贬低的;有损形象的
    If you describe something as unflattering, you mean that it makes a person or thing seem less attractive than they really are.

    e.g. He depicted the town's respectable families in an unflattering light...
    e.g. The knee-length dresses were unflattering and ugly.

unflattering 单语例句

1. Radio station billboards that featured unflattering photos of a bald, scowling Britney Spears have been taken down after the pop star's attorneys threatened legal action.

2. Asked about competition, she referred to a foreign athlete in unflattering terms.

3. An unflattering macroeconomic environment has been blamed, with China's economic growth for the first three quarters consistently edging lower.

4. Do you have anything to share about how to get along with superiors and colleagues, either successful survival stories or unflattering experiences?

5. unflattering的近义词

5. The website Radar Online first reported the hire, saying it received a letter from the firm challenging " unflattering reports " about the housekeeper.

6. But by selecting unflattering clips of bin Laden, the US is also working to shatter the image he worked so hard to craft.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. By selecting unflattering clips of bin Laden, the US is trying to shatter the image he worked so hard to craft.

8. The authorities ordered the film to be cut for showing what they deemed an unflattering portrait of life in the Chinese capital.

9. MEXICO CITY - Britney Spears is showing up yet again in unflattering photos splashed across newspapers and Internet Web sites.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. Factually true but otherwise unflattering " statements " about China are spread strategically in news reports.

unflattering 英英释义


1. showing or representing unfavorably

    e.g. an unflattering portrait
           an uncomplimentary dress

    Synonym: uncomplimentary
