
unfettered [ʌnˈfetəd]  [ʌnˈfetərd] 





unfettered 基本解释

形容词被除去脚镣的; <正>不受限制的,不受约束的

动词解放( unfetter的过去式和过去分词 )

unfettered 网络解释


1. 被除去脚镣的:unfetter 释放 | unfettered 被除去脚镣的 | unfilial 不孝的

2. 无拘无束:I have to work completely...|我必须完全地工作 | unfettered.|无拘无束 | Oh, yes.|哦,是的

3. 无忧无虑的:fettered 被拘束的,没自由的 | unfettered 无忧无虑的 | shred 切成细条,撕成碎片

4. 无拘无束的:无稽之谈:Fiddle-faddle;Cock-and-bull story | 无拘无束的:Unfettered | 无力的:Lymphatic

unfettered 词典解释

1. 自由的;不受拘束的
    If you describe something as unfettered, you mean that it is not controlled or limited by anyone or anything.

    e.g. ...unfettered free trade...
    e.g. Unfettered by the bounds of reality, my imagination flourished.

unfettered 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The US has long had relatively unfettered naval access to the Western Pacific and will not easily change its mindset about that region.

2. The authority also feared that unfettered commentaries and images circulating on websites would stir up tensions.

3. Klein's concerns about unfettered markets have more sympathy in Asia than Greenspan might like to admit as officials struggle to avoid their own crisis.

4. unfettered在线翻译

4. It cannot afford a return to the days of maxing out credit cards to finance unfettered consumption.

5. It also said it could stop allowing unfettered IAEA inspections of its nuclear facilities and programs if the agency's board involves the Security Council.

6. unfettered的反义词

6. Since the advent of the global financial crisis, many have criticized the unfettered financial market and called for more government regulations.

7. unfettered的解释

7. Unfettered markets do not operate well on their own - a conclusion reinforced by the current financial debacle.

8. But analysts warn that unfettered capacity expansions could foment a serious glut that will erode margins.

9. " We have no reason at all to view the future market with unfettered optimism, " he said of the outlook for exports.

10. unfettered

10. Washington has called for unfettered access to the area and accused Beijing of adopting an increasingly aggressive stance on the high seas.

unfettered 英英释义


1. not bound by shackles and chains

    Synonym: unchained unshackled untied
