uneven bars

uneven bars[ʌnˈi:vən bɑ:z] 

uneven bars 基本解释
uneven bars 网络解释

uneven bars

1. 高低杠:高低杠(Uneven Bars)起源于欧洲. 19世纪后半叶女子体操运动在欧洲盛行,起初男女都是平行双杠,由于女子的生理特点,完成动作难度较大,于是把双杠一侧升高,以便女运动员完成动作,于是就出现了高低杠女子体操项目. 1952年第15届奥运会被列为比赛项目.

2. 高低杆:unbalanced landing 落地不稳 | uneven bars 高低杆 | value part 难度动作

3. 大双杠:上体后倒 to bend the trunk backwards | 大双杠 uneven bars | 弓箭步 forward lunge

4. 高低:Horizontal Bar 单杠 | Uneven Bars 高低? | Balance Beam 平衡?

uneven bars 单语例句

1. uneven bars是什么意思

1. Wang stumbled on the high bar on her dismount as she was trying somersaults on the uneven bars on Sunday at China's national gymnastics championship.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. Wang stumbled on the high bar on her dismount as she was trying somersaults on the uneven bars.

3. Ma became China's first gymnastic world champion in 1979 after winning in the uneven bars competitions.

4. Wang was injured on June 10 when she fell from the uneven parallel bars and is likely facing permanent paralysis.

5. uneven bars在线翻译

5. She returned in the final rotation to complete all the four exercises on uneven bars but again hobbled off the mats.

6. She also claimed three silver medals - on the vault, the uneven bars and in the floor exercise in Rotterdam.

7. Yang and Dong helped the Chinese women's team to bronze at the 2000 Sydney Games, where Yang also claimed bronze on the uneven bars.

8. But she may just compete in the uneven bars because of her injury.

9. uneven bars什么意思

9. Fan took the title despite committing serious mistakes in the team competition and uneven bars finals.

10. It outperformed China on three of the apparatus, finishing marginally behind on the uneven bars.

uneven bars 英英释义


1. a pair of parallel bars set at different heights
    used in women's gymnastics

    Synonym: uneven parallel bars
