
unethical [ʌnˈeθɪkl]  [ʌnˈeθɪkl] 

unethical 基本解释


unethical 反义词


unethical 网络解释

1. 不道德的:本港在性倾向歧视立法的争论中,这也是一个争论的焦点,有同运组织认为提出同性恋倾向可以改变是危险的,认为任何改变性倾向的「治疗」都是对求助者有害,是不道德的(unethical),这次研习组介绍这个争论,并提出一些相关的参考资料.

2. 不道德:对这个问题的回答,北美人和欧洲人有相同的观点,他们中的大多数人认为到宾馆去找竞争对手遗落的文档是很不礼貌(Aggressive)的 (46%的美国人和50%的欧洲人这样认为)或者是不道德(Unethical)的(42的美国人和33%的欧洲人这样认为),

3. 不道德的,缺乏职业道德的:hand curl 单臂屈伸[弯举] | unethical 不道德的,缺乏职业道德的 | contemporaneous unconformity 同生不整合

4. 不符合道德的:符合道德的ethical | 不符合道德的unethical | 合法的legal

unethical 词典解释

1. 不道德的;不合乎道德标准的
    If you describe someone's behaviour as unethical, you think it is wrong and unacceptable according to a society's rules or people's beliefs.

    e.g. It's simply unethical to promote and advertise such a dangerous product...
    e.g. I thought it was unethical for doctors to operate upon their wives.

unethical 单语例句

1. unethical的反义词

1. But it's not right to blame the decay of academic ethics and let Zhou get away with the unethical sin that plagiarism is.

2. unethical的意思

2. Today the term is used pejoratively to describe journalism that reports news in an unprofessional or unethical way.

3. What's there left to " study " when we all know that the practice of forced purchase is obviously unethical and possibly illegal under the existing law.

4. This is a typical case of the ends justifying the means, and of a scientific experiment conducted by unethical means with illegal procedures.

5. unethical在线翻译

5. We cannot say for sure that the mechanism will completely fail to resolve the irregularities and unethical practices afflicting the healthcare industry.

6. I felt the program was unethical in bringing the boy onto the show while dismissing him as violent and harmful.

7. The unethical deeds of judges will be barriers to the independence of the judicial system.

8. They accuse him of being unethical, while he threatens to sue them for slander if they keep " talking nonsense ".

9. unethical

9. The whole society has slipped into a collective indifference of sorts towards the unethical practice.

10. unethical

10. But some foreign companies follow unethical business practices to strengthen their position in the growing Chinese market.

unethical 英英释义



1. not conforming to approved standards of social or professional behavior

    e.g. unethical business practices
