
undo [ʌnˈdu:]  [ʌnˈdu] 






undo 基本解释


及物动词松开,解开; 取消,废除; 毁灭; 扰乱


undo 相关例句



1. He has undone the good work of his predecessor.

2. What's done cannot be undone.

3. Please undo the package.

4. He undid the parcel.

5. In 5 minutes he undid my whole day's work.

undo 网络解释

1. 还原:易学易用 - 还原(undo)及改善的面板编辑功能,提高了程式的开发速度. 观看

undo 词典解释

1. 解开;松开;打开
    If you undo something that is closed, tied, or held together, or if you undo the thing holding it, you loosen or remove the thing holding it.

    e.g. I managed secretly to undo a corner of the parcel...
    e.g. I undid the bottom two buttons of my yellow and grey shirt...

2. 撤销;抵消;消除
    To undo something that has been done means to reverse its effect.

    e.g. A heavy-handed approach from the police could undo that good impression...
    e.g. She knew it would be difficult to undo the damage that had been done...

3. 破坏;毁掉
    If a person, organization, or plan is undone by something, that thing causes their failure.

    e.g. They were undone by a goal from John Barnes...
    e.g. Macbeth is the story of a Scottish soldier who becomes king but is undone by his own ambition.

4. see also: undoing;undone

undo 单语例句

1. But donating a chunk of their profits does not undo the damage that is done in pursuit of these profits.

2. undo

2. If the market is correcting the government's previous lousy land policy, should anything be done to undo it?

3. undo什么意思

3. While average life spans have increased in recent years with scientific advances in treating illness, experts warned the obesity epidemic could ultimately undo those gains.

4. But he was not able to undo the iron chains fettering his friend Li, and had to leave without him before daybreak.

5. undo的翻译

5. There is a Chinese saying " it is better for a doer to undo what he has done ".

6. But the Italian has told his players not to undo all the hard work by losing to Stoke in the FA Cup final at Wembley.

7. But the company executives need to remain cautious and alert during this fast development, because any more quality scandals will almost certainly undo all their hard work.

8. undo

8. It seems as if we can't undo bad things that happen, but maybe we can reshape the environment that exists in their wake.

9. The NDRC ordered the association to undo the damage and issue a public explanation on the impact of its action.

10. undo

10. This will give your liver a chance to recover and undo some of the damage that it has suffered.

undo 英英释义


1. remove the outer cover or wrapping of

    e.g. Let's unwrap the gifts!
           undo the parcel

    Synonym: unwrap

2. cause to become loose

    e.g. undo the shoelace
           untie the knot
           loosen the necktie

    Synonym: untie loosen

3. cancel, annul, or reverse an action or its effect

    e.g. I wish I could undo my actions

4. undo在线翻译

4. deprive of certain characteristics

    Synonym: unmake

5. cause the ruin or downfall of

    e.g. A single mistake undid the President and he had to resign
