
underpin [ˌʌndəˈpɪn]  [ˌʌndərˈpɪn] 








underpin 基本解释

及物动词用砖石结构等从下面支撑(墙等); 加固(墙等)的基础; 加强…的基础

underpin 网络解释


1. 加强......基础,支持:4. stem from 滋长,源自 | 5. underpin 加强......基础,支持 | 6. underpinning 支持物,基础(建筑物下的)

2. 托换基础;基础加固;托换基础支撑:underpass 隧道;下通路 | underpin 托换基础;基础加固;托换基础支撑 | underpinned pile 托换桩

3. 支撑;托底:underlet 分租 | underpin 支撑;托底 | undertaking 承诺书

4. 巩固:underpayment 不足工资 | underpin 巩固 | underpinning 基础

underpin 词典解释

1. 加强…的基础;巩固;支撑
    If one thing underpins another, it helps the other thing to continue or succeed by supporting and strengthening it.

    e.g. ...mystical themes that underpin all religions...
    e.g. ...the beliefs underpinning contemporary art.

...the economic underpinning of ancient Mexican society.
...the violent woman-hating underpinnings of films like 'Cape Fear'.
underpin 单语例句

1. underpin什么意思

1. Care for the common people should definitely underpin the continued growth of CPC membership.

2. Tourism Industry Association chief executive Martin Snedden said the forecasts showed where efforts were needed to underpin growth predictions or to lift market performance.

3. Powerful economic forces drive the structural evolution and economic diversification that underpin growth, producing transitions that have common elements.

4. Robust demand in Asia continued to underpin strong export growth in the city, but an economist has warned that a slowdown is on the way.

5. The EAS declaration reiterated that fossil fuels would " continue to underpin our economies and will be an enduring reality in our lifetimes ".

6. danci.911cha.com

6. Fitch expects leverage in China will continue to rise as credit is used to underpin the economy.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. This means a huge amount of investment will be required to underpin this policy change.

8. underpin

8. There is now widespread awareness that an ecosystem approach must underpin intensification of crop production.

9. Augmenting the size and value of various industries will underpin Chengdu's objective of becoming the heart of western China's economic development.

10. All these seemed to underpin the appeal by bankers and congressmen to abolish or suspend FAS 157.

underpin 英英释义


1. support from beneath

2. support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm

    e.g. The stories and claims were born out by the evidence

    Synonym: corroborate bear out support
