
uncounted ['ʌn'kaʊntɪd]  [ʌn'kaʊntɪd] 

uncounted 基本解释



uncounted 网络解释


1. 无数的:uncountable 不可数的 | uncounted 无数的 | uncouple 解开

2. 没有数过的:uncorticated 无树皮的 | uncounted 没有数过的 | uncoupled 解耦合

3. 无数的/没有数过的:uncountable /无数的/不可数的/ | uncounted /无数的/没有数过的/ | uncouple /解开/分开/

uncounted 单语例句

1. Instead, the country endured a hideous war of all against all that left uncounted thousands dead.

2. A total of more than 150 foreigners have been seized in Iraq since April, in addition to uncounted numbers of Iraqis taken hostage.

3. uncounted

3. The actual number is likely higher, as many killings go unreported or uncounted.

4. It appeared unlikely on Wednesday that there were enough votes left uncounted to close the gap.

5. uncounted的解释

5. The Bush campaign scoffed at the notion that the uncounted ballots could make a difference in Ohio.

uncounted 英英释义


1. too numerous to be counted

    e.g. incalculable riches
           countless hours
           an infinite number of reasons
           innumerable difficulties
           the multitudinous seas
           myriad stars
           untold thousands

    Synonym: countless infinite innumerable innumerous multitudinous myriad numberless unnumberable unnumbered unnumerable
