
unconscionable [ʌnˈkɒnʃənəbl]  [ʌnˈkɑ:nʃənəbl] 

unconscionable 基本解释

形容词昧着良心的,不合理的,过分的; 没良心

unconscionable 反义词


unconscionable 网络解释

1. 不合理的:unconquerable 克服不了的 | unconscionable 不合理的 | unconscious 无意识的

2. 太荒谬了:It's barbaric.|太野蛮了 | Unconscionable|太荒谬了 | Do you know how pain enters the body marshal? do you?|执法官 你知道身体有多痛么

3. 没有条理的:unconquerable 克服不了的 | unconscionable 没有条理的 | unconscious 失去意识

unconscionable 词典解释

1. 违背良心的
    If you describe something as unconscionable, you mean that the person responsible for it ought to be ashamed of it, especially because its effects are so great or severe.

    e.g. It's unconscionable for the government to do anything for a man who admits to smuggling 135 tons of cocaine into the United States.

unconscionable 单语例句

1. unconscionable的意思

1. Schools can improve teaching efficiency and end the unconscionable practice of commercial publishers profiting from price hikes without improving the quality of their products.

2. unconscionable的解释

2. " It's unconscionable that taxpayer dollars are being used to support sweatshops, " Unite Here Executive Vice President Edgar Romney told a news conference.

3. unconscionable是什么意思

3. Seemingly, it will take an unconscionable time for the lost Dunhuang treasures to come home.

unconscionable 英英释义



1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation

    e.g. exorbitant rent
           extortionate prices
           spends an outrageous amount on entertainment
           usurious interest rate
           unconscionable spending

    Synonym: exorbitant extortionate outrageous steep usurious

2. lacking a conscience

    e.g. a conscienceless villain
           brash, unprincipled, and conscienceless
           an unconscionable liar

    Synonym: conscienceless
