1. 非外因引颇:uncatalogued 未列入目录的 | uncaused 非外因引颇 | unceasing 不断的
2. 独立自存的:uncatalyzed 未催化的 | uncaused 独立自存的 | unceasinguninterruptedcontinuousconstantincessantnesssempre 不断
3. 本源:Ultimate Deity 终极神明 | UNCAUSED 本源 | Undeified reality 非神明化的世界
4. 独立自存的/自存的:uncatalyzed /未催化的/ | uncaused /独立自存的/自存的/ | unceasing /不绝的/不断/
1. having no cause or apparent cause
e.g. a causeless miracle
fortuitous encounters--strange accidents of fortune
we cannot regard artistic invention as...uncaused and unrelated to the times
Synonym: causeless fortuitous