
unbiased [ʌnˈbaɪəst]  [ʌnˈbaɪəst] 

unbiased 基本解释


形容词无偏见的,不偏不倚的,公正的; 持平; 无偏无党; 谠

unbiased 网络解释

1. 没有偏见:-worm 2007年7月10日 (二) 10:45 (UTC)谢谢指正-worm 2007年7月10日 (二) 10:51 (UTC)维基的中立的观点(Neutral Point Of View)简单来说,中性的观点就是您在编写文章的时候,要没有偏见(unbiased)、要公平地把各方的意见表达出来.

2. 公正的:这些属性是以高质量财务报告为基础进行分析所获得,FASB认为:一整套恰当的(Reasonable)、公正的(Unbiased)会计准则应当提供相关的、可靠的,对外部投资人、债权人以及类似决策者决策有用的信息,这就必须制定一系列高质量的会计准则.

3. 無偏:而这些特定文件的全域性(global)索引词汇,如果好好利用,有可能可以进一步分割出来的字元影像,做笔迹细化处理(thinning)以及连笔或断笔的判断,再为了准备一组客观无偏(unbiased)的单字查询词,笔者以图一的步骤,

4. 没有偏见的:subjective主观的,个人的 | unbiased 没有偏见的 | emotional感情的,情绪的

unbiased 词典解释

1. 无偏见的;不偏不倚的;公正的
    If you describe someone or something as unbiased, you mean they are fair and not likely to support one particular person or group involved in something.

    e.g. There is no clear and unbiased information available for consumers...
    e.g. The researchers were expected to be unbiased.

unbiased 单语例句

1. Any unbiased person will come to the conclusion that China is sincere in its desire for peace and growth and the " China threat " is groundless.

2. But when their testimonials are used to convict uninformed others, there have to be rigid rules to make sure the process is just and unbiased.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. Unbiased reporting is only a fair dinkum way to readers irrespective of country involved!

4. A fair and lasting political solution must be based on informed judgments, which in turn calls for an unbiased evaluation of the true state of affairs.

5. Before discussing the feasibility of any policy, we should first guarantee it is fair and unbiased.

6. In being smug and ideologically against China, the host of Peking Duck has discredited himself as an unbiased and objective writer.

7. She believed he will maintain the RTHK tradition of editorial independence, as well as impartial and unbiased news reporting.

8. Market Probe's survey is the first independent and unbiased survey of customer satisfaction in China's banking industry.

9. unbiased什么意思

9. CNN has tried to promote an unbiased approach to establish a middle ground between opinionated hosts on Fox News Channel and MSNBC.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. Fair value is a rational and unbiased estimate of the potential market price of goods, services or an asset.

unbiased 英英释义


1. unbiased在线翻译

1. without bias

    Synonym: unbiassed

2. unbiased在线翻译

2. characterized by a lack of partiality

    e.g. a properly indifferent jury
           an unbiasgoted account of her family problems

    Synonym: indifferent unbiassed
