
unbecoming [ˌʌnbɪˈkʌmɪŋ]  [ˌʌnbɪˈkʌmɪŋ] 

unbecoming 基本解释


形容词不相称; 不雅观; 不合身的,不相配的,难看的

unbecoming 相关例句



1. Such thoughts are unbecoming to you.

2. The colours are unbecoming to her complexion.

unbecoming 网络解释

1. 不恰当的:unbalanced type 不平衡型 | unbecoming 不恰当的 | unbelievable 难以相信的

2. 不合身的:unbeaten 未捣碎的 | unbecoming 不合身的 | unbefitting 不合适的

3. 不适合的/不得体的/不相配的/不雅观:unbeaten /未捣碎的/未走过的/未被击败的/ | unbecoming /不适合的/不得体的/不相配的/不雅观/ | unbecomingly /不相称地/

4. 不适合的,不合礼节的:hulking 笨重的 | unbecoming 不适合的,不合礼节的 | spanking 飞快的;了不起

unbecoming 词典解释

1. unbecoming在线翻译

1. 不好看的;不吸引人的
    If you describe things such as clothes as unbecoming, you mean that they look unattractive.

    e.g. ...the unbecoming dress hurriedly stitched from cheap cloth.

2. 不得体的;不合宜的;不恰当的
    If you describe a person's behaviour or remarks as unbecoming, you mean that they are shocking and unsuitable for that person.

    e.g. His conduct was totally unbecoming to an officer in the British armed services...
    e.g. Those involved had performed acts unbecoming of university students.

unbecoming 单语例句

1. unbecoming是什么意思

1. We therefore demand a public apology from Martin Lee for deception and unbecoming behaviour in a foreign country.

2. They demanded a public apology from Lee for " deception and unbecoming behaviour in a foreign country ".

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. It is unbecoming of an educational TV program to telecast vulgarity in the name of entertainment.

4. Confucians countered that expressing such materialistic concerns was unbecoming of a morally educated gentleman.

5. Critics have accused him of crowd pleasing, which they condemned as unbecoming of a serious scholar.

6. Whether it will be followed by a downpour to wash away the unbecoming practice remains to be seen.

unbecoming 英英释义


1. not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society

    e.g. was buried with indecent haste
           indecorous behavior
           language unbecoming to a lady
           unseemly to use profanity
           moved to curb their untoward ribaldry

    Synonym: indecent indecorous uncomely unseemly untoward
