
unassuming [ˌʌnəˈsju:mɪŋ]  [ˌʌnəˈsu:mɪŋ] 

unassuming 基本解释
unassuming 网络解释


1. 谦逊的, 不装腔作势的:crown of oven 炉拱, 炉顶 | unassuming 谦逊的, 不装腔作势的 | maline tie 绳索扎结(用绳把电缆固定到吊线上)

2. 谦逊的,不摆架子的:verbatim 逐字的,照字面意思的 literal | unassuming 谦逊的,不摆架子的 | opine 想,以为

3. 谦逊的:unassisted 无助的 | unassuming 谦逊的 | unassured 不确定的

4. 谦逊的ASSUME承担:vaulting 圆屋顶,跳的, 跳 | unassuming 谦逊的ASSUME承担/ | resurgence 苏醒

unassuming 单语例句

1. Liana is conspicuous among the surrounding unassuming structures lining by the traditionally styled, massive mural depicting multicolored cod splashing in the sea that spans its exterior.

2. They remembered an unassuming leader who was content with his congressional career until history called him to higher office.

3. unassuming的翻译

3. This unassuming courtyard looked normal from the outside, but once we stepped inside we were magically whisked away to the French countryside.

4. But beneath this unassuming guise lies a dogged fighter with the heart of a lion.

5. Maybe as a nod to its unassuming ambience, the restaurant has a compact and dynamic dessert.

6. Wang was unassuming and amicable and helped young people with a noble heart.

7. unassuming是什么意思

7. The four suspects attracted a number of unassuming customers with promises of selling euros at a very low rate - 1 euro for 7 yuan.

8. The unassuming black bean rice is compact with an undefined, yet distinguished and distinctive flavor.

9. unassuming

9. Despite his fame as a national sports treasure, he looked shy and unassuming.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. And it is just this unassuming attitude that makes him all the more appealing to his legions of fans.

unassuming 英英释义


1. not arrogant or presuming

    e.g. unassuming to a fault, skeptical about the value of his work
           a shy retiring girl

    Synonym: retiring
