
unanimous [juˈnænɪməs]  [jʊˈnænəməs] 

unanimous 基本解释


形容词全体一致的; 一致同意的,无异议的

unanimous 相关例句



1. The country is unanimous in its support of the government's policy.

2. He was elected by a unanimous vote.

3. People were unanimous in support of the peace effort.

4. It turned out that she was elected by a unanimous vote.

unanimous 网络解释


1. 意见一致:<<意见一致>>(Unanimous) 2006年3月fox电视台推出的推出一档融合<<老大哥>>、<<幸存者>>特点的比赛真人秀节目. 9位选手,150万美元奖金,fox希望可以打造一档能真正与CBS<<幸存者>>、<<急速前进>>等抗衡的原创真人秀.

2. 一致的:magnanimous宽宏大量的 | unanimous 一致的 | unanimity 全体一致

3. 意见一致的, 无异议的:unanimated 无生气的,不活泼的,无精打采的 | unanimous 意见一致的, 无异议的 | craven 懦弱的,毫无志气的

unanimous 词典解释

1. (所有人)一致同意的,全体一致的,无异议的
    When a group of people are unanimous, they all agree about something or all vote for the same thing.

    e.g. Editors were unanimous in their condemnation of the proposals...
    e.g. They were unanimous that Chortlesby Manor must be preserved.

Today its executive committee voted unanimously to reject the proposals...
The board of ministers unanimously approved the project last week.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. (投票、决定、协议等)全体同意的,无异议的,一致通过的
    A unanimous vote, decision, or agreement is one in which all the people involved agree.

    e.g. ...the unanimous vote for Hungarian membership...
    e.g. Their decision was unanimous.

unanimous 单语例句

1. That may have been an important reason why he was elected from a pool of six by a unanimous vote.

2. The Acquisition Agreement has received unanimous support from the Board of Directors of Addax Petroleum.

3. The Chief Justice's ruling had unanimous support from the other four judges of the CFA.

4. Europe would take common action related to foreign affairs only on unanimous grounds.

5. Germany's Arthur Abraham is the new world WBO super middleweight champion after his unanimous win over compatriot Robert Stieglitz on Saturday.

6. unanimous是什么意思

6. The almost unanimous passage of the resolution demonstrates an extensive consensus among UN members that rigid economic sanctions are not in line with the times.

7. The treaty reduces national veto rights to allow more decisions to be made by majority voting instead of unanimous consent.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. Outsiders might be curious to note that representatives of local residents who attended public hearings were unnaturally unanimous in their views on contentious topics.

9. The coroner's jury was unanimous in its finding that all three children died of natural causes.

10. A unanimous vote of the commission is required to obtain a death sentence.

unanimous 英英释义


1. in complete agreement

    e.g. a unanimous decision

    Synonym: consentaneous consentient

2. acting together as a single undiversified whole

    e.g. a solid voting bloc

    Synonym: solid whole
