
ump [ʌmp]  [ʌmp] 

ump 基本解释




ump 网络解释

1. 马来西亚彭亨大学:马来西亚彭亨大学(UMP)是马来西亚政府建立的一所正规的公立大学. 彭亨大学位于西马来西亚最大的州属---彭亨州的东海岸. 目前,彭亨大学校区在甘帮(Ganbang)的工业地带,距彭亨州首府关丹约30公里. 大学与东海岸高速路相连,

2. 公司:诊所由香港著名医疗集团--香港联合医务有限公司(UMP)统一管理. 集团网络覆盖全港,拥有超过500间各类诊所、实验室及物理治疗中心,为超过1000家公司的30万会员提供了医疗、口腔及健康保健服务,积累了丰富经验和成功案例.

3. 裁判:umlaut 元音变音 | ump 裁判 | umpirage 裁判

4. ump:uridine mono phosphate; 尿嘧啶核苷酸

5. ump:umpire; 裁判员

6. ump:upper mantle program; 上地幔计划

ump 单语例句

1. France's UMP political party presidential candidate Nicolas Sarkozy delivers a speech during a campaign rally in Tours on Tuesday.

2. Most analysts expect his UMP party to retain its majority, giving Sarkozy a good chance of pushing through his economic and social reform programme.

3. The governing UMP party announced that Sarkozy had been endorsed by nearly 70 percent of registered party members in a vote.

4. ump什么意思

4. Though both men come from the governing UMP party, they have had tense relations.

5. Voting began in the first round of France's legislative election yesterday with President Nicolas Sarkozy's conservative UMP party expected to strengthen its hold on power.

6. ump什么意思

6. Sarkozy's conservative UMP party has strong roots in rural France and the commodities theme is seen as a potential vote winner in next year's election.

7. ump的意思

7. Sarkozy's party and its allies won 346 of the 577 seats in the National Assembly, which was fewer than the 359 seats the UMP used to have.

8. ump的翻译

8. But lawmakers from the ruling UMP coalition have blamed a law enacted by the previous Socialist government that limited France's working week to 35 hours.

9. Blair's appearance in Paris last weekend to speak at a conference of Sarkozy's UMP party was an unambiguous sign of the French leader's intentions.

10. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

10. That was fewer than the 359 UMP seats in the outgoing parliament.

ump 英英释义



1. an official at a baseball game

    Synonym: umpire
