
twisting [twɪstɪŋ]  [twɪstɪŋ] 







twisting 基本解释



动词扭,搓,缠绕( twist的现在分词 )

形容词曲折的; 缠绕的; 转动的

twisting 网络解释

1. 扭转:山墙、 侧墙体之面内及面外反应,以及整座古迹之扭转(twisting)及对长轴之摇滚(rocking)反应 为. 除 古迹本体外, 座古迹周边适当位置之自由场至

2. 扭曲:行动党与公正党在表面上看起来是伙伴,但事实上,身为行动党秘书长兼槟州首席部长的林冠英,却在槟州大玩个人秀,更喊起了他所谓的CAT(效率,问责和透明)口号,但他的口号,现在应该被改为(抱怨(Complaining)、责难(Accusing)与扭曲(Twisting) .

3. 加捻:并将其加工至最完美的状态,即:将毛条纺制成一根细长的纱线. 纱线经加捻(TWISTING)连接成线束,随后拉申固定到织机上制成经纱(经纱是面料中按纵向排列成组的纱线),然后进入编织(WEAVING)阶段,与纬纱织合.

4. 旋扭法:斜边凿 bevel edged chisel | 旋扭法 twisting | 旋钮;球形把手 knob

twisting 单语例句

1. twisting

1. Reid has been active in twisting the course of electronic music from deep in the margins for several years now.

2. Plame's CIA connection was disclosed eight days after her husband accused the Bush administration of twisting prewar intelligence to exaggerate the Iraqi threat.

3. Various strategies for revving up the vocal cords had contestants twisting their bodies and even throwing themselves on the ground.

4. It's easier than opening up a new jar of pickles, but harder than twisting a Rubik's Cube into the right shape.

5. Millions of Germans pedal their way through the often narrow and twisting streets of historic cities in this densely populated country.

6. Gehry let the landscape dictate his design, with the final twisting torso form giving each apartment distinct views north towards Victoria Harbor.

7. twisting的反义词

7. But beyond this issue is a much deeper problem with the misuse of economic analysis, and the twisting of definitions.

8. He also accused Ahmadinejad of " twisting the truth " on the economic and social growth figures and achievement statistics represented to the public.

9. He Luli said the legislature would not hesitate to investigate and expose officials who seek political gains through twisting statistics to exaggerate their achievements.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. That conversation came five days after Wilson had accused the Bush administration of twisting prewar intelligence to exaggerate the Iraqi threat.

twisting 英英释义


1. the act of rotating rapidly

    e.g. he gave the crank a spin
           it broke off after much twisting

    Synonym: spin twirl twist whirl


2. the act of distorting something so it seems to mean something it was not intended to mean

    Synonym: distortion overrefinement straining torture


1. marked by repeated turns and bends

    e.g. a tortuous road up the mountain
           winding roads are full of surprises
           had to steer the car down a twisty track

    Synonym: tortuous twisty winding voluminous
