
twisted [ˈtwɪstɪd]  ['twɪstɪd]




twisted 基本解释
反常的,变态的;扭转;歪曲;扭,搓,缠绕( twist的过去式和过去分词 );转动;
twisted 网络解释


1. 熄灯追缉令:片子尚未命名,不过已确定了导演和编剧以及制作日期,导演乃安迪-塔南特(Andy Tennant),此人曾执导过<<全民情敌>>(Hitch),也是喜剧片;编剧是沙拉-索普(Sarah Thorp) ,曾执笔<<熄灯追缉令>>(Twisted).

2. 缠绕:线的外罩主要分两种:缠绕(twisted)外罩和编结(braided)外罩. 最常见的是缠绕外罩,尤其在直径较小的线上. 对核心的弹性影响最小,但是表面比较平滑,线的抓球力不理想,特别是直径较大的线. 编结外罩对核心的保护作用更大,

3. 脾气拧,别扭:twinkle in your mother's eye 母亲眼中的一闪灵光(未出娘胎) | twisted 脾气拧,别扭 | two left feet 有两只左脚(笨手笨脚)

twisted 单语例句

1. Shards of twisted metal were scattered by rails at the bustling Atocha station at the spot where an explosion severed a train in two.

2. twisted的翻译

2. I was watching news in Los Angeles on my way back to Canada, and saw how reports twisted the story on how Hillary Clinton stressed human rights issues.

3. twisted的反义词

3. A carousel was twisted on its side and a ferris wheel rose above the muddy wreckage.

4. She was discovered with her legs twisted between collapsed desks and chairs, and her head under two piling cement boards.

5. Grainy video also later showed his body in a white shroud, the neck twisted and blood on a cheek.

6. She took to the floor with a big smile and leapt, twisted and tumbled impishly to earn the biggest cheer and the highest score.

7. Under the direction of the chieftain of the underworld, everything is twisted.

8. A twisted chunk of metal on the ground was in flames, and a small white car's front section was destroyed.

9. twisted

9. The Mo Yan fever somehow reflects a twisted social mentality and the power of commercial speculation.

10. Some passengers aboard the commuter train had to be freed by rescue workers using blowtorches to cut through the twisted wreckage.

twisted 英英释义



1. having an intended meaning altered or misrepresented

    e.g. many of the facts seemed twisted out of any semblance to reality
           a perverted translation of the poem

    Synonym: distorted misrepresented perverted
