
twat [twæt]  [twɑ:t] 



twat 基本解释
twat 网络解释


1. 阴道(小说里用的):dildo 假阳物(女同性恋扮男角色方用的东西) | twat 阴道(小说里用的) | fig 阴部(本意是无花果,内含女阴之意思)

2. 娘们 笨蛋:all set 准备就绪 | twat 娘们 笨蛋 | We'll cross that bridge when we come to it 船到桥头自然直

3. 逼:the white spot on your pants is your skeet? 你裤子上的那一片白是你的精液? | 4 twat 逼. s | he has a sweet twat. 她的逼很美.

twat 双语例句

1. Even if he is being a twat.
    谢谢 -就算他是个白痴

2. You did that, you twat.- Somebody had to do something!

3. Noel:...and he's a bald twat.

4. I said, Hi, I'm Paul Ince's driver and I just killed the twat!

5. Because I've got pretty good instincts and you look like a twat to me.

6. He is a talentless, pretentious little twat|who thinks that cinema began with Tarantino.


7. You can't keep on making such a twat of yourself, eh, d'you know?

8. You twat, can't you see these people have got no money?

9. What are you thinking about, you German twat?

10. Jesus, do you have a cellphone in your twat?

twat 英英释义


1. obscene terms for female genitals

    Synonym: cunt puss pussy slit snatch

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. a man who is a stupid incompetent fool

    Synonym: fathead goof goofball bozo jackass goose cuckoo zany
