TV [ˌti: ˈvi:]  [ˌti:'vi:] 



TV 基本解释


abbr.television 电视机; total volume 总量; test vehicle 实验用飞行器; terminal velocity 终端速度

TV 情景对话


TV Series-(电视剧)

B:What’s on TV tonight?

A:Not much, that new reality-TV show, Ally McBeal, oooo, Dark Angel.

B:Wait a second. I want to watch Ally McBeal.

A:Oh, come on. That’s such a girl’s show.

B:No it’s not. It’s just funny.

A:Yeah, if you’re a girl.

B:Well, you just want to watch Dark Angel because of the hot girl.

A:That’s not true. Dark Angel is a good show.

B:It’s story is just an excuse to get the girl dressed up in different tight outfits.

A:O.K., O.K. Let’s forget it. There’s a football game on too.

B:No way. I’m watching Ally McBeal. Go to John’s to watch the game.

Cable TV-(有线电视)

A:Mom, can we get cable TV or a satellite dish?

B:It costs money, dear. What’s wrong with the regular television stations?

A:The shows are dull and they’re too many advertisements.

B:Well, you already watch too much TV instead of doing your homework, anyway.

A:There ’re educational stations too. I could learn while I watched TV.

B:Well, that’s true, but you’d probably only watch cartoons and action movies.

A:No I wouldn’t…can’t we get cable? Everybody has cable.

B:Well, if everybody jumped off a bridge, would you jump too?

A:Mom!!!! Please. All my friends have had it for years.

B:Get new friends.

A:Why are you always so mean?

B:Because you’d end up spoiled rotten if I wasn’t.

A:I could help pay for it.

B:Let’s see how your grades are this semester, and maybe I’ll talk to your father about it.

A:O.K. Thanks, Mom!

TV 网络解释

1. 电视:[中文] [English] 全文文献 工具书 数字 学术定义 翻译助手 学术趋势 更多 查询帮助 意见反馈 ,日语翻译; 学术翻译必备词汇: [综合] 地理(geography) 电视(tv) 风险(risk) 更多...

2. 电视机:[摘要] 电视机(TV)包括可被有选择地安装有数字视频接口(DVI)接收机集成电路(IC)的电路板(PCB),还包括其它视频源. 该TV包括用于控制其运行的一处理器或控制器,还包括被耦合到模拟源和接收机处的PCB上并用于在视频源当中进行转换的一模拟开关.

3. 图瓦鲁:来源:人权观察 注册域名的国家:卡塔尔(QA)、中非共和国(CF)、阿曼(OM)、诺福克岛(NF)、图瓦鲁(TV)、法属波利尼西亚(PF)、叙利亚(SY)、阿鲁巴(AW)、柬埔寨(KH)、法属圭亚那(GF)、Eritrea(ER)、佛德角(CV)、布隆迪(BI)、贝宁(BJ)、波斯

4. 电压互感器:(2) 电压互感器(TV)或电容电压互感器(CVT)要有现场二次端子箱的仿真. 当箱内TV或CVT二次空气开关(熔丝)拉开后,保护要有相应的告警信号.

5. tv:tided volume; 潮气量

6. tv:trichomonas vaginalis; 阴道滴虫

7. tv:trans-vaginal; 经阴道超声

8. tv:testing voltage; 测试电压

TV 词典解释

1. 同 television
    TV means the same as television .

    e.g. The TV was on...
    e.g. I prefer going to the cinema to watching TV.

TV 单语例句

1. TV是什么意思

1. The company not only makes TV programs, but also handles the business operation of Qinghai TV.

2. Israel TV reported Thursday that Sharon said it was possible that Israel would act against Arafat in the future.

3. TV是什么意思

3. The TV host and businesswoman known as China's Oprah Winfrey has been a notable charity figure ever since.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. It condemned the act of fabricating news following a government announcement that the report on buns stuffed with cardboard aired on Beijing TV was fake.

5. TV的翻译

5. Their success has inspired TV production companies to buy up similar time travel tales for 2012.

6. Joining hands with TV programs is one way brands can be part of real life rather than just buying advertising space.

7. TV的解释

7. Zhang told Xinhua the website had been buying rights to TV series and films directly from distributors long before the regulation was issued.

8. TV的翻译

8. Although the TV program may be just there to generate a buzz for the gala, it increases the interaction and helps the gala match public interest.

9. Basically, " seckilling " operates like a quick buzzer round in a TV quiz.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. The agency hopes viewers of its NASA TV channel will follow the astronauts'lead - without the unique difficulties posed by zero gravity.
