turn upside down

turn upside down [tə:n ˈʌpˌsaɪd daun]  [tɚn ˈʌpˌsaɪd daʊn] 

turn upside down 基本解释


动词完全颠倒; 上下颠倒; 翻覆; 倒腾

turn upside down 网络解释

1. 把倒置,弄得乱七八糟:turn up向上翻,露面,出现,音量调大 | turn in上缴 | turn upside down把倒置,弄得乱七八糟

2. 完全颠倒:turn up 找到 | turn upside down 完全颠倒 | turn 转动

3. 翻转,倒过来:12、引起某人的注意 attract one's attention | 1、 翻转,倒过来 turn...upside down | 2、 提出,想出 come up with

4. 把...完全颠倒:turn up 在甲板集合旋大 | turn upside down 把...完全颠倒 | turn 弯曲

turn upside down 单语例句

1. turn upside down在线翻译

1. Time and again you will find books that turn widely accepted business principles upside down.

2. Then turn the bowl upside down to leave the duck on a plate and cover it with the mixed sauce.

3. This loss of ice will not only turn the Arctic ecosystem upside down, affecting many animals that are adapted to a life with sea ice.

4. " I have not come here to turn things upside down, " he said.
